23 September 2014

What goes up, must come down!!!

On my way back to India with my inlaws, do you know who found one silver lining in the cloud of my father-in-law breaking his hip and therefore being transported in wheelchairs? My mother-in-law!! And she admitted to the same after we reached India. You know why? Because, she got to use the elevators (lifts, as my friends from India would say) at every airport!!

You see, I had gone to India to get them from there in April. And on the way back, I was determined to modernize my mother-in-law’s outlook. I had simply refused to let her use the elevators. Instead forced her to take the escalators (the moving steps). I was carrying all their handbags myself. Still, I would hold her hand firmly to help her step on and step off the moving escalator. I was absolutely determined to break her fear of moving escalators.

Unfortunately, I failed miserably. In that and getting her to get rid of her saree and wear a little more comfortable Indian clothes (from mobility point of view) while in US. But the process of trying to get her to get used to escalators was absolutely hilarious.

I knew I was in trouble when in Kolkata itself, she revolted at the sight of the moving staircase, let alone the prospect of stepping onto one! Given her familiarity with the world where the steps were stationary and the people were moving, her reaction was somewhat as jarring as the first time humankind was told that the sun was stationary (and frankly, doing fine!) while we were the ones hurtling at an uncontrollable speed through vacuum πŸ™‚

By the time we reached Dubai, trying to get her on to an escalator was like trying to get a cow climb downstairs (which, I am told they are incapable of and certainly oppose vigorously if forced to do so). First, I lied through my nose and told her that there were no elevators in Dubai airport. And then I willingly, patiently waited till everybody from the plane cleared the escalator. We had, after all, five hours to kill. Then I took her to the escalator.

Her attempt to try it by herself was as gingerly as it could ever get. She would get in front of the staircase, look around, see that somebody hundred yards away were headed towards her and then immediately step aside to let that person go!! Mind you… hundred yards!! No less!!

Eventually, she ran out of excuses. She stepped up to the base of the staircase and kept on staring at the steps as one after the other new steps kept emerging from the abysss – seemingly endlessly. You could see that in her mind, she was taking a deep breath and going “Okay, I got this. I got this. It is the next step that is coming. Well, no, the next to next. Yes, yes, wait wait… let’s make it the next one. Or maybe the next to next one. That is it. The next one. Here it is. Yep! that is the one! Oops, it is too far away now!!! Dang it! Next one!! I wonder if anybody is looking at me.”

At this point of time, I held her hand and simply stepped on to the next moving step. She was forced to walk with me. Now, when I say “walk”, what I mean is that her legs took the step. The upper body had not quite realized this obvious betrayal by the legs. Resulting in her leaning backward completely, pretty much at the same angle as the steps were emerging – further deepening her belief that moving escalators were not meant for the civilized world.

If getting up was that onerous, you can only imagine what stepping out was like. She realized she did not have a choice. She HAD to get down. In her mind, there was a nanosecond of window of opportunity and if she missed that by even as much as a whisker, she would be swallowed whole by the underground or wherever those steps were vanishing to!! I literally pushed her off the step.

In the flight to US, I explained how she was becoming too conscious of herself. Even if she did not get off, she would be nudged out. And there were three steps that become flat before they vanished. All she needed to do is just walk. Just walk naturally, and she would not even notice.

All through the flight, she must have thought about my words and mentally prepared herself. When it was time for her to move off the moving escalator at the DC airport train station, she was all prepared. And by all prepared, I mean she had one leg up and two hands up ready to pull off a high jump at the first cue. As we approached that line where the steps and ground meet, she was a veritable picture of a contemplative crane vaguely trying to take a jujitsu stance on one leg!!

But she made it. She stepped off. Or rather jumped off – landing that other leg with the satisfaction befitting something in the lines of “one step for a woman, a giant leap etc etc etc”. In all that momentary satisfaction, she had given complete short shrift to – at her own peril, I might add – Newton’s law of inertia. You don’t get off a moving escalator and stop there to survey the landscape around with great satisfaction. Newton was there to push her forward with his whole might of first law of motion. And in case Newton was slipping in his duties, a whole herd of passengers were there behind her to jolt her forward. Once again, I had to quickly step in and hold her arm firmly.

Eventually, we reached home. Partly pushed, partly pulled, but mostly dragged. Once home, Sharmila showed them the whole set up. They had their own guest quarters in the main living floor. In case, they wanted more privacy, she had another bedroom and bathroom set up downstairs. Not knowing if stairs would be too much of a bother at their advancing age, Sharmila asked “siri-tey osubidhey hobey”? [[“would stairs be a hassle?”]]

There was an immediate cloud of fear come over my mother-in-law’s eyes. Completely startled (“piley chomkey gelo”), she jumped out of her skin and yelled “toder-tao norey?” [[“Yours moves too?”]] πŸ™‚

You can then only imagine the smirk on her face at every airport on our way back as the person helping my father-in-law with the wheelchair took us to the nearest elevator!!!

7 September 2014

You can spot a Bengali from as far as you can throw a “rosomalai”

Nothing can shrink my inlaws further in their airplane seats than the prospect of having to talk to the stewards and stewardesses regarding what would they want for their meal. My father in law, at least, puts up a spirited fight. Often, therefore, landing with stuff he had no idea that he had ordered. But he is a good sport – and he will try out a little of everything. My mother in law, on the other hand, pointedly refuses to deal with any of these stewards or stewardesses with anything but head shakes. Which, for any foreigner can be very confusing. Indians are famous for their head shakes. And my mother in law is famous for not getting to eat much in flights. Once in a while, she will recognize something that she knows – e.g. Tea and would order it with great anticipation. And then spit it out after the first sip – because she was expecting tea done exactly the Bengali way. “Era cha-tao bhalo banatey jaanena” (“these folks don’t know how to make a simple cup of tea!”)

A stewardess came and asked them after the meal – “Some digestives?”. Not exactly the way I would have put it, but the packets in her tray clearly showed the picture of aniseed. The next two minutes was a sight. Both of them, totally flabbergasted, looked at the lady, at each other and then across the aisle, towards me. Not in a hurry to finish the fun, I just kept smiling back. Eventually, my father in law said “one” indicating he would try some. And as the lady moved on, I mentioned “Mouri chhilo” (“That was aniseed”) (a very common after meal mouth freshener cum digestive in India). Let me put it this way, my mother in law made me call the lady back so that she could grab a few packets!!!

This being the state of affairs, you can only imagine their reaction when they found out that the last course of meal in their last meal in the last segment of flight (Dubai to Kolkata) was “rosomalai” (a delectable Bengali dessert). The entire inner Bengaliness of their last four month existence outside Bengal was channeled – vigorously, I might add – on that one course!! In the picture, you can see them devouring those hapless plates of rosomalai as if “dhorey praan elo”. Those rosomalais vanished in front of my eyes faster than I could say “Aar ektu mouri neben?” (“Want some more aniseed?”). πŸ™‚


6 September 2014

FILMIL Mehfil : I give up!!!

Sitting next to my MIL in the plane, I showed her this collage I had made some time back and asked her what was this all about. She took about three minutes and then said “One of those people, I recognize as myself”. I am like “Really, who are the others?”. She recognized two more as her daughter – Sharmila. She could not figure out who the rest were!!!

I really wonder who has been doing all the drinking – my MIL or FIL πŸ™‚

Needless to say, all of the pictures are of Sharmila. With her different hair styles over the last 15 years!!!


6 September 2014

FIL MIL Mehfil: What am I eating?

No sooner had we settled down in the Emirates Lounge in Washington DC airport, than my MIL went around milling where all the food and coffee was. I was sure she was hungry but her biggest constraint was to check out the food when nobody was around. (She has no ability to converse with all those folks trying to help her out due to the language issue).

I could see she was surveying all the food and was trying to figure out what to have. And that is when one of those ever helpful Emirates employee showed up and started asking her in local English if she could help.

It was a sight to watch. MIL did not want to be rude but she absolutely did not want to continue with any conversation. Normally, I would step in and explain to her what she was being told. This time, I just decided to let her be and get some experience in the fun of traveling. And this particular experience was certainly a lot of fun to me. All the statements from the helpful lady was met with vigorous headshaking by my MIL. She kept up with her firm smile though.

Then she put in quite some food in her plate and came back to her chair. You could see it in her eyes that she was panicking. She finally settled down in the chair next to me, put her food down and asked me “Ki niye elam re”? (“What did I pick up in my plate?”) πŸ™‚

I was not going to let her off the hook of having fun. So, I said “Kheye-i dekhun na” (“You wont know till you eat it”). You can see her struggling with her food in this picture πŸ™‚

Reminded me of a very old but very funny Haggar The Horrible cartoon. The first picture showed Haggar’s domineering wife (Helga?) and certainly not the best cook putting some food in front of him and patronizing him about food wastage. “Waste not. Want not”. She said. The next picture showed Haggar trying the food. And the last picture showed him pushing the food away. “Want not”, was his memorable response πŸ™‚


6 September 2014

Going back to 9PM of April 2nd, 2013

I was in India for one of my quarterly trips to India to check on my dad. Of the two or three days that I spend with him, one day – sometimes only a few hours – is dedicated to my inlaws. On April 2nd, 2013, following the pattern, I showed up at my inlaws’ house (they had no idea I was in India) with my brother and brother-in-law after about three hours of drive at about 7 PM and said – “Let’s go out for dinner”. After getting over all protestations from my mother in law that we should eat at her place, we landed up at Peerless Inn in Durgapur.

Around 9PM, we were done with our dinner (actually, I remember having a lot of great appetizers that my friends in Peerless always make for us) and settled down with our wines (“we” means all of us minus my mother in law, as you can see in the picture in top). The topic went to the concept of mortality and why giving time is far more valuable than giving time. I think we were talking about grandparents and their leaving their wealth for their grandkids instead of their own kids. And I, predictably, pushed them to give time to the grandkids and quit worrying about giving money.

It was then that I had dropped the question – “Why not visit us in Atlanta?”. There was less than zero chance of me succeeding. My father in law was pushing 80 (he is the oldest of my parents and in laws). My mother in law has enough physical challenges. And I did not think Sharmila would relish giving up her independence for a long time. (Indian parents visit for at least three months and I am never at home to give up my independence, anyways).

I did not succeed, as predicted. But I did make a dent. Everytime I met them or talked to them, I encouraged them to think about the fact that the only thing finite is time.

Well, eventually, they got their new passports done, their visas done and visited us – exactly one year later than what my original proposal was (which was summer last year).

On this last night in US for them, as I tucked them in their bed in the DC hotel and went down for a nice gin and tonic, I started looking at the pictures I took of them during their stay (attached a couple in the bottom). There is a marked difference in their smiles

And that was my whole goal. To make a difference. In a small way…


5 September 2014

For once, she is happy with me. And he is not!!

We were still on the ground. And the nice air hostess comes around asking if she could get us a drink before we got started. FIL immediately responded “some red wine, please”. I was, like “Whoa! Easy, Speedy Gonzalez”!!!

So, I told the lady “He means he will have it when we are in the air. He is fine with his water for the time being “.

He was not particularly happy with that interpretation. My MIL, on the other hand, totally approved!!! πŸ™‚


5 September 2014

Four months long vacation. Life long discussions of the memories!!

They are busy discussing about all their experiences in US this time. He is remembering each and every new friend he made during this trip. She is remembering all the food she ate at different restaurants and friends’ houses!!!

He is taking it pretty hard. Before getting into the car at home, as I was busy putting in the suitcases, he slowly walked to the car door with his walking stick and then, before getting in, took a long look at our yard and his favorite sitting spot and said “Bye, bye pool”. πŸ™
