It would appear that a few things have changed!!!
Rewind-Pause: Fifteen years back…
Rewind-Pause: Here is a blast from the past
Rewind-Pause: One summer day… 15 years back
Rewind-Pause: Memories of the incredible Sampath family
Ranga, Meera – do you remember this? I think summer of 1986? You folks were moving from Delhi to Kolkata and the container with all your stuff took its own sweet time to find itself to your place. Dover Lane, right?
I remember the incredible South Indian food auntie used to make everyday and the English and Bengali crossword puzzles uncle used to sit down with every morning’s newspaper.
And when Ranga and I would go out to run errands for your parents, all the neighbors would be addressing Ranga as “Rongorajon, Rongorajon!!”
Next time I am in India, I have to make time to visit them in Chennai!!
Rewind-Pause: Last family picture from our Dallas house
Rewind-Pause: My last trip to Muenchen
Rewind-Pause: Getting together with some school friends in 2005
Rewind-Pause: When we were young and the kids were even younger
This was a quick get together we had in the Chinese restaurant in Taj Bengal. I think it was Eric’s first visit to India. Nearly 20 years back!
If I remember correctly, the folks who had showed up included Debatosh, Sharmistha, Kaushik, Arpita, Avijit, Rakhi, Aditi, Eric, Piyali and myself.
I am trying to see if I can recognize the kids – I think they are – from stereo left to right – Avijit’s son, Aditi’s daughter, Kaushik’s daughter, Debatosh’s son and Aditi’s son.
Does anybody remember what instigated Aditi to break into that Bharat Natyam pose?