4 July 2014

FIL-MIL Mehfil: My mother in law’s quandary

My mother in law sat down in the lounge chair in the beach under the umbrella that I had rented wearing her traditional Indian saree and all that. (I can’t get her to move from a saree to a more comfortable churidar – let alone jeans or long pants or shorts).

She sat down, surveyed the whole beach full of Fourth of July beach-goers and quickly realized one simple math: she had, on herself, more fabric of cloth than all the other beach goers, put together!! Unlike the Niagara Falls, there was not a single other Indian to be found as far as the eyes could see on that hot beach horizon to bend that mathematical curve. Curious, she asked me “Why are they all dressed like that”. To completely throw her off, I said “Oh! They are all jealous of us. They are trying to get tanned in the sun to get their skin to look like ours”.

Well, that did not compute in her mind either. For, she responded with another intriguing question “Tobey amra keno sabaan ghose-e mejhh-e oder moto hobar chesta korchhi”? (Roughly translated, “then why are we all trying to scrub ourselves down with Sandalwood soap to get skin like theirs?”

Touché! That was the richest irony ever!!

(For my non-Indian friends, in India there is a very interesting culture where your skin color seems to matter a lot. Fairer skin is somehow considered superior. In looks, during matchmaking etc etc etc. )

4 July 2014

FIL-MIL Mehfil: One more checkbox crossed off.

They had never been to an ocean. Not anymore, after today.

Checked into Hilton Head with my inlaws and family for the weekend.

Some of you may know that my mother in law has severe sight issues (from a very early age) and certainly is constrained in locomotory capabilities. She can walk, but very slowly.

The sand in the beach was not making her ability to move easier. But after about ten minutes, she got past the twenty yards of loose sand and stood on the firmer and wetter sand near the waves.

For what seemed like hours, she just gazed into the evening ocean. It was almost like she was in a trance. We went for a walk – but she just opted to stand there and keep looking at the ocean.

Eventually, I had to tell her that we should probably go before it became too late for dinner. I did promise her that she can sit by the ocean tomorrow whole day…
