30 April 2023

That was an unexpected bonanza

You remember how I saw my first sun halo yesterday? Well, get this… had yet another first time experience sitting outside while having dinner today.

The four of us were busy eating when my eyes caught something in the sky. My intuitive reaction was that it was a firecracker. I called out to the rest to show it. However, it seemed very different from a firecracker. For one, it kept on going for a far longer time than a firecracker. For another, it seemed too bright.

A few of the other diners got up to see it too.

We then realized that what we saw was a rocket launch. It was a first time for all of us. I am glad I got a video of it – at least for part of the journey.

Googling up Cape Canaveral schedule, we also realized that it was a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket!!

30 April 2023

Windward Point

Back in our own Treasure Cay, we went to explore the edge of it. It ended in a – by now very familiar – pattern… some nice houses with colorful walls, some completely battered houses, incredibly blue waters and the soothing sound of constant waves.

That island you see is the Sunrise Cay.

30 April 2023

Idle mind… devil’s workshop

We still had another 20 minutes before the ferry would pick us up for the return journey. Everybody was resting in the golf cart.

Not too sure of what to do with my time, I started hunting for nails and screws lying on the ground. I saw one half buried in the ground. That led me to wonder how many more might be there. In about 20 minutes I could dig out about 50 of them! It is a sheer wonder that there is not a very active tire shop nearby !!

30 April 2023

Took shelter in Abaco Inn

Once the rain started, we scooted in our golf cart as fast as we could. It was not fast enough. We were fairly wet by the time we took shelter in Abaco Inn. The place was totally crowded with many other tourists getting the same idea as us. You could see the ocean had gotten angry with high waves and furious winds.