As long as the right lessons have been learnt :-)
So, Nikita came back home from her dancing lesson, extremely excited. She ran upstairs fast, hunted me down and loudly started explaining how her mom had nearly lost her iPad. In gory detail, she told me how mom borrowed her iPad to keep herself busy when she was dancing but left it when she was helping her with the ghungroos at the end of the dance lesson. Anyways, ten minutes of panic (after they realized it in the car) later, they found out that the teacher had seen it and safely locked it up. And she was nice enough to come back, reopen the class and hand the ipad back over to Nikita.
After the carefully detailed explanation that were interspersed with numerous “She nearly lost my iPad”, Nikita looked at me expectantly. I coolly asked her “So, what did you learn from this episode?”. Her face went red – she was livid. She was expecting that her mom should be in trouble.
Finally, she got a hold of herself and said “Never to trust mommy with my stuff” and stormed off.
Came back in 10 seconds and finished her sentiment. “… or you with fairness”.
If she was not mad already, I would have laughed my head off đŸ™‚