My handwriting has become so bad…
Like every other Sunday, Sharmila and I headed out to our Sunday bar at 8PM. Idea was to sit down in some corner over a drink and watch the Sunday night football. We usually see the first half and then come back home.
At around 8:15, our bartender switched the TVs to NBC where the game was going to start in 5 minutes. And Sharmila placed our order.
Sharmila is more of a follower of football games than I am. She is not into stats and all that – but she likes to see a good game.
“Who is playing?” she asked looking at me. Immediately, she realized I cannot answer.
So, I scribbled “4” and “9” with my fingers on the bar table.
“Oh 49ers! Who are they playing?”
I scribbled “Bills” this time. Looking back, my mistake might have been in writing in cursive.
“Oh! Chicago Bulls!!” she concluded, entirely satisfied with my answer.
Oh! Boy!!!
Can’t wait to see a three-pointer in this game!