5 August 2024

Back in the air. This will let us equal our daughters’ stats

Both Nikita and Natasha have been to 5 out of the 7 continents (including Antarctica). Sharmila and I have been stuck on 4 for a long time. This trip to Australia should fix that. Now it will be a race to which Roy family member goes to the 6th continent first.

Our main target in Australia is to hit a place most folks don’t usually go – Uluru. This is in the Outback – in the middle of the Great Australian desert. Which reminds me – after the Gobi and the Saudi desert, this would be 3 out of the top 4 largest deserts in the world for me (not counting the ice capped Antarctica and Artic – which are undoubtedly the two largest deserts in the world).

When I was trying to plot by one and only marathon race, Uluru was one of the top three choices for me. (Eventually went with the Original Marathon in Greece). Had researched a lot about Uluru then and always wanted to see the giant land formation.

Outside of Uluru, I have very little knowledge of Australia. Strangely the two things Bhowmic miss had taught us in geography class in middle/high school that I still remember are the mining cities of Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie and the dingo dogs!! Undoubtedly because of the cool names.

Hoping to catch some interesting fauna there. A kangaroo or a wallaby perhaps. Definitely a wombat, if I can. I have half a mind to ask them why do they poop in cube shaped poops!!


Posted August 5, 2024 by Rajib Roy in category "Vacations

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