17 January
A slice of gin history…
A funny excerpt from Lesley Jacobs Solomonson’s book on the history and evolution of gin….
“The British distilleries were even harder hit (than American counterparts) during the Second World War. Like the American operations, they were commandeered by the military to make industrial alcohol. The resulting products were drolly referred to as ‘Cocktails for Hitler’. Germany did not appreciate the humour. They bombed Goswell Road on 11 May 1941, crippling Gordon’s entire operation”
Can gin also make you run faster? Let’s say under 2 hours?
Not sure, but I am sure with a few of those gins later, I complete about 2 miles in a 1 mile straight stretch 🙂
Think I should go back to my Flemish roots. Rode Bessenjenever is how we call ginn over there.
That “Jenever” is the predecessor of today’s gin. I assume this brand is also malty and barrel aged?
is predecessor of gin: