Interesting Analytics of my blogsite! Who knew?
Yesterday I installed one of those counter plugins in my blogsite to see what the global distribution of people coming to my blogsite (“The History of my Future! (First Draft!!) was. If you see my updates on Facebook or Google+ or Twitter or Tumblr or Linkedin, I actually do not write on any of those sites. I write on my blogsite which is then syndicated out to these social media sites. I was looking only at the analysis of people coming to my blogsite directly.
My guess was that the highest hits would be from USA and then India. Instead, I found out that out of 800 odd visitors in one day, half are from China!! Given the stereotype in this country of the Chinese snooping on us, I got curious and started looking into the details of which posts were the Chinese reading. I was totally floored to see that almost all the hits from China are visiting my Puzzle pages. Hmmmm!!! Now, I am really curious!! Which also reminds me that I have not posted a new puzzle in a long time.
Netherlands being third also surprised me. On the flip side, I was expecting much more from India. Also noticed there were no visitors from Africa or South America!!
Looks like an Olympics medal tally with China sitting pretty at the top and India languishing in the bottom if you can
imagine few more countries in between…..
Hi!I’m from China