29 November 2024

Waking up to an amusing incident

Last night I had gone off to sleep feeling like a bout of cold was coming on to me. That would not help my situation. I can ill afford to sneeze right now. Sharmila had thoughtfully bundled me away in bed with night cap, throat scarf and all that. She can be a bit loving that way.

Woke up blithe as a lark at 5AM like everyday. Which is about midnight for her. Went to the closet to grab some jackets. Did not bother to put any lights on. Usually the family is fast asleep when I give Tuey and Bogga their morning walk for bathroom break. The jacket hangar swung and hit against the wall and made a sharp noise.

Which woke up Sharmila. Well, physically she got up. But her consciousness was fast asleep. Or, more accurately, trying to get out of the stupor.

She realized that I was fumbling in the dark in the closet. Her mind was still in the mode of “this is an usual morning”.

“Are you going to the gym?” she asked.

Now, lest you forget, I cannot speak. So, there I was, waiting for her to realize that I cannot answer.

Her consciousness was fighting its way to the present. I think it remembered we have three dogs at home.

“Are you giving the dogs a walk?”

I stood there helplessly in the dark looking in her direction in general.

A few more seconds. Her mind was almost there.

“How is your cold feeling?” Obviously, she had recollected last night.

Still no answer from me. For a couple of seconds, I was wondering what to do. You know, I cannot just go in the dark, shake her up and say “I cannot talk.” That would beat the whole purpose.

Finally, she blurted out. “Oh! Sorry. I forgot!”

“Bingo!” I muttered to myself as I walked away.

One more day of adventure begins!


Posted November 29, 2024 by Rajib Roy in category "Humor", "Musings

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