29 November 2024

Lessons in Silence on Day 1

#1. The biggest difficulty I have with silence is that I cannot interact with strangers. In fact, when you are unable to talk, upon coming across a stranger, your first reaction is to withdraw. At least mine is. Because I will not be able to hold on to an interaction. How am I going to any new friends now?

#2. When you want to say something, drawing attention to yourself is very difficult. You can be in the same room but your only way to say that you have to say something is by clapping or snapping your fingers. If you happen to have three dogs around, that is guaranteed to result in chaos.

#3. When outside, you are totally dependent on technology. I have to carry my iPhone with me all the time. Whether neighbors say something or the barista friends in coffee shops greet me, I have to flash out a screen to say “Temporarily Speech Impaired”. Took Tuey out for a walk early morning today. Forgot my phone at home. Quite a few folks must have thought I was in a foul mood given my non-reactions or simple head nods to questions that clearly demanded longer answers!!

#4. Also, I realized I like writing. I mean, I really like writing. I am constantly with a fountain pen and a pad or on my blog editor. Re-reading some of those, I further realize that, much like the wine in my favorite airlines, what I lack in quality, I certainly make up in quantity!!

This might be as good a clue as any to stop writing any further here đŸ™‚


Posted November 29, 2024 by Rajib Roy in category "Musings

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