25 September 2021

Another friendship built on the road

I am not sure what exactly I was discussing so intently with Bob (Bobby) in this picture but I remember thoroughly enjoying our conversations. In the quick conversation to get to know about Bob and his life, I found out that he is from Arlington and lives there even now. That is where Sharmila and I lived for two years before the kids came along.

I mentioned to Bob that Sharmila had gone to University of Arlington. What do you know? So did Bob! His kids and other family members too!

I was curious about the challenges Bob faces these days around managing a restaurant. The staff shortage part I knew – but I had no appreciation for the complications in the Delivery channels (Grubhub, Uber Eats etc). I had not realized that the packaging had to change and you take a fairly big hit in revenues.

Bob mentioned that all his life he has been in this industry. That too, mostly Mexican outlets. Mi Cocina, Don Pablos and On The Border.

Larry perked up at the mention of Don Pablos. Ostensibly, that is the favorite Mexican place for the Mason family. I am not sure I have been to one yet. As it turns out, they are not there any more – at least in the Dallas area. Will try one next time I find one.

It was great meeting you Bob. You are an outstanding people person!

Posted September 25, 2021 by Rajib Roy in category "Intersection Points

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