21 October 2012

What a difference flat surface makes!

Since most of my Bengali friends were sleeping in this morning after the Puja celebrations last night, I went ahead and ran in Fowler Park for a 10K run. It was really cool temperatures (mid forties) and I was not dressed for it – specially in the shaded parts of the run. Which was good – since that forced me run fast enough to warm myself up. I think I was the only one running in shorts and half sleeves. That and the fact it was flat surface was enough to make a big difference compared to my 10K hill runs yesterday. Almost 100 seconds per mile difference. Yesterday was 9:53 min/mile while today was 8:16!!

The run was extremely enjoyable. The Starbucks coffee all by myself after that – no so much πŸ™‚

Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
20 October 2012

10K in the hills of North Roswell

10K run in between dropping and picking up Nikita at her friend’s birthday party. The north Roswell hills were very pretty but very punishing. Slowed down to 10min/mile. Beautiful cool day with the sun shining bright. Now enjoying a strawberry smoothie at Starbucks waiting for the birthday party to get over…

Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
19 October 2012

Another 5K run, 2K row

Today I went to midtown Atlanta. It was cool (43 degrees) and the wind was stronger than I and bargained for. After a few minutes, I avoided my usual route and started heading down north-south streets (the wind was from the west). Other than that, it was a enjoyable run. The chapped lips and sniffles notwithstanding πŸ™‚

Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
17 October 2012

Is it 20 versus 14 or 20 versus 4?

I chanced upon one of those endless fights between Sharmila and our 14-year old Natasha. Except, this time I walked up to Tasha and asked her – “See what I go thru? It has been only 14 years for you. It has been 20 years for me”, hoping to get some sympathy from her.
Without even as much as batting an eyelid she said “Tough luck! I will out of here in 4 years. You have another 20 years to go” πŸ™‚
Now I am worried πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Category: Humor | LEAVE A COMMENT
17 October 2012

Three days of running and rowing…

I have always been worried about my upper body strength as I grow older. (To be honest, I have been worried about a lot of things about myself as I grow older πŸ™‚ But, I digress.). For sure, I am aware that upper body strength makes running easier. But I just cannot seem to get myself to go to the gym. If it is not out in nature, I get bored quickly. And if does not involve some gadgets showing speeds, distance and such other digital numbers, I am downright disappointed πŸ™‚

However, I have gained 6 pounds πŸ™ Once upon a time, a friend of mine – Rachel Stark had asked me to try out rowing. Which actually intrigued me. It would be cool to go row in the river. Of course, I have to first finetune my swimming skills. Which I am not good at, do not want to do it in a gym and does not involve too many digital devices πŸ™‚ You get the drift πŸ™‚

To play safe (and not drown) I started doing it in the gym. I know I know – it is in the gym. In my defense, there is a cool display showing my strokes per minute, speed, distance etc πŸ™‚ On the flipside, the Nike Fuel Band and the Fitbit does not recognize the amount of work I have to do (I guess those accelerometers are more tuned for activities that give you a jerk – like stepping).

Well, so far this week, it has been 5K run followed by 2K rowing each day. Let’s see how long this lasts… The temperatures outside have been awesome – 46 degrees. I just wish I could do the rowing in a river…

Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
15 October 2012

Monday morning run

Woke up early but got a lazy start since schools are closed today. (I know! What all excuses I will come up with πŸ™‚ )
Roads were rain soaked and somewhat slippery – especially the downhills.
Made it a quick 5K run and will go for some rowing now…

Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
14 October 2012

Another great run with Samaresh…

Today, it was just Samaresh and myself. The kids stayed home and Amitesh was busy hosting guests… Great 5K run and Starbucks after that. Coffee with Samaresh is always enlightening. Today I got some good tips about perspectives in life. (including why running is important πŸ™‚ )

Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
13 October 2012

“Concrete” downside of oversleeping…

Uncharacteristically, overslept till 8:15 πŸ™ Almost by three hours! I guess I was tired and needed the sleep. Drinking a few glasses of wine more than usual with Raj the previous night helped πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Since I missed the normal window of running before the family woke up, I had to wait till I had take my daughter to her classes.
The sun was up, it was cool and there was some breeze. That was not the problem. The problem was that the roads had filled up with cars already (like they are supposed to πŸ™‚ ) – leaving me with no option but to get off the asphalt and run on the sidewalks.
10K of concrete run. That hurt πŸ™ Took almost an hour to finish. A heavy lunch later, I am ready to start snoring! Wait, time to take the other daughter for her classes now πŸ™‚

Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
12 October 2012


So there I was running on Alpharetta roads on a nice cool dark October morning – and out of nowhere suddenly it started raining! Well, strictly speaking, it was out of the overcast skies, but my point is I got totally drenched πŸ™‚ Speeded up and in about six minutes found a shelter – just in time for the rains to stop!! Arghhh! I don’t think that extra hot Starbucks coffee will stop me from sneezing and coughing all day long πŸ™‚ It was a nice run all the same…

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