20 September 2012

Fill in the blanks

Usually, I fly home on Thursdays. This time I am flying out on Thursday. Nonetheless, puzzle time. Fill in the dashes with the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 so that the equality stands. (the evaluation is done strictly from left to right – so 6 – 2 x 3 = 12 and not 0).

_ + _ – _ x _ / _ x _ = 50

Category: Puzzles | LEAVE A COMMENT
16 September 2012

Sunday morning run – Roys and Mukherjees

Since we came back home late last night, it was decided that I will join the Sunday morning run but let Nikita and Sharmila sleep in. This morning as I was putting my running clothes on, eight year old Nikita sprang from her bed and said she will come out. Sharmila and I were concerned that she might not have rested well but she was adamant she will come out – even after I told her that her best friend was not going to join today.

I was impressed by her energy – so I switched back from running shoes to walking shoes and Sharmila also decided to join us. Amitesh, Samaresh and Paroma came and they ran with Sharmila for 5K. Nikita and I walked for 2.5K. Met Lara from our running group at the Greenway.

During the walk, Nikita asked me when do I get up for my run on weekdays, how much do I run and when do I finish. I was getting excited that she might want to come out on some weekdays too. So, I answered her questions and then asked “Why, what are you thinking?”. She said “Nothing. Just making polite conversation”!!

So, that was that!!! 🙂 🙂






Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
14 September 2012

Nikita and the harmonium

Couple of hours of Bengali songs was interrupted by Nikita who walked into the music room wanting to try some Indian instrument. I showed her how to play the tabla, harmonium, an Indian flute and even the Cajones (admittedly not Indian but Cuban). She immediately settled for the harmonium. When I asked her how she chose what to try, she said that looked closest to a piano 🙂


13 September 2012

Nice quick run in this fallish weather

Sub-9 minute miles for 3 miles. Beautiful Milton weather in this early fall. However, the hills were steep enough that I had to take a 15 second break to catch my breath. So far, September is going nice and easy. I think the muscles are recovering enough that I will shoot for another month of 100 miles of barefoot running in October.

Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
12 September 2012


Coming from the biggest democracy to the oldest democracy, I am always intrigued by how politics works here. I have tried to make it a point to shut up and listen to opinions and how they are articulated. After listening to my office colleagues, social friends, newspaper articles and TV/radio, I have found some interesting common grounds that both sides strongly believe in. For example, everybodyseems to be convinced that…

1. Ours are balanced and substantive arguments. Yours is “rhetoric”.
2. Your vision? Clearly “unAmerican”.
3. Our candidate has had minor transgressions. Yours is morally bankrupt.
4. Facebook is the ideal forum to declare to my friends that the other side are a bunch of idiots.

Category: Musings | LEAVE A COMMENT