17 October 2012

Three days of running and rowing…

I have always been worried about my upper body strength as I grow older. (To be honest, I have been worried about a lot of things about myself as I grow older 🙂 But, I digress.). For sure, I am aware that upper body strength makes running easier. But I just cannot seem to get myself to go to the gym. If it is not out in nature, I get bored quickly. And if does not involve some gadgets showing speeds, distance and such other digital numbers, I am downright disappointed 🙂

However, I have gained 6 pounds 🙁 Once upon a time, a friend of mine – Rachel Stark had asked me to try out rowing. Which actually intrigued me. It would be cool to go row in the river. Of course, I have to first finetune my swimming skills. Which I am not good at, do not want to do it in a gym and does not involve too many digital devices 🙂 You get the drift 🙂

To play safe (and not drown) I started doing it in the gym. I know I know – it is in the gym. In my defense, there is a cool display showing my strokes per minute, speed, distance etc 🙂 On the flipside, the Nike Fuel Band and the Fitbit does not recognize the amount of work I have to do (I guess those accelerometers are more tuned for activities that give you a jerk – like stepping).

Well, so far this week, it has been 5K run followed by 2K rowing each day. Let’s see how long this lasts… The temperatures outside have been awesome – 46 degrees. I just wish I could do the rowing in a river…

Posted October 17, 2012 by Rajib Roy in category "Running

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