9 October 2012

Tables turned on the black cat!! :-)

One more cool crisp morning. Quick 5K run at 9 minute/mile pace in Atlantic Station – Georgia Tech area. Funny moment of this morning: as I came to the intersection of State Rd and whatever the cross street was, there was this black cat standing on one side of the road – looking at the other side. I am not saying it was purposefully waiting for the traffic light to turn green, but it did look like it was hesitating to cross the road.
Here is what I did – I crossed the road from the other side πŸ™‚
Guess who is going to have bad luck today? πŸ™‚

Tables totally turned on the proverbial – and in this case, a particular midtown black cat!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
8 October 2012


It is Thursday evening and I did not travel this week. But I had a long long day. So, it counts as travel. And thereforre, here goes the next puzzle (variation of the standard tiger, goat, pile of grass and a man crossing the river):
3 missionaries and 3 cannibals are trying to cross a river filled with piranhas. The boat can take max 2 of them at a time. But if the cannibals outnumber the missionaries at any point of time, they will eat them up. How can they cross safely?

Category: Puzzles | LEAVE A COMMENT
8 October 2012

First run of the year with winter gear on…

Or at least the windbreaker and ear protection was on. It was cold and dark this morning. Fortunately, it will warm up from now on. A quick 5K run in the Atlantic Station area. Nothing particularly interesting to report back other than two barking dogs. (I think they were barking at each other and not me – unfortunately, I do not do dogspeak πŸ™‚ ). Now I can go back to sleep πŸ™‚

Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
6 October 2012

As long as the right lessons have been learnt :-)

So, Nikita came back home from her dancing lesson, extremely excited. She ran upstairs fast, hunted me down and loudly started explaining how her mom had nearly lost her iPad. In gory detail, she told me how mom borrowed her iPad to keep herself busy when she was dancing but left it when she was helping her with the ghungroos at the end of the dance lesson. Anyways, ten minutes of panic (after they realized it in the car) later, they found out that the teacher had seen it and safely locked it up. And she was nice enough to come back, reopen the class and hand the ipad back over to Nikita.

After the carefully detailed explanation that were interspersed with numerous “She nearly lost my iPad”, Nikita looked at me expectantly. I coolly asked her “So, what did you learn from this episode?”. Her face went red – she was livid. She was expecting that her mom should be in trouble.

Finally, she got a hold of herself and said “Never to trust mommy with my stuff” and stormed off.

Came back in 10 seconds and finished her sentiment. “… or you with fairness”.

If she was not mad already, I would have laughed my head off πŸ™‚

Category: Humor | LEAVE A COMMENT
6 October 2012

Run with the birthday boy :-)

Amitesh and I celebrated his big half century today with a 27 minute 5K run. We missed the other leg of the stool – Samaresh. It was really cool – mid 50s and light breeze. Made it easy for a fast run. Now, all I need to do is run like him when I am 50 years old!!
The Starbucks coffee followed with the usual discussion of the Falcons and the hapless Saints (not to speak of the LSU team πŸ™‚ )
Here is to another half century of running with Amitesh…

Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
30 September 2012

Nikita confronts her birth!!

Sharmila and I were showing Nikita her sonogram and pictures from right after she was born. She had some of the most curious and hilarious questions.

She looked at her really pale picture a few minutes after birth, looked at me straight and asked “I was born an American”? ( I am like “Of course. What did you think?” It took me a second to realize she thought she was born white πŸ™‚ )

She pointed to a clip near her navel. So I explained how she got oxygen before birth, the umbilical cord after birth and all that. She listened intently and then said “You mean to say you cut my ‘extension’ cord”? πŸ™‚



Category: Humor | LEAVE A COMMENT
29 September 2012

Math competition

Just dropped Natasha at some High School Math competition. Also known as the Saturday Morning Asian Kids Get Together πŸ™‚ The greatest attraction was the grand spectacle of their parents’ parking skills. Every parking was a 19-point attempt – invariably settling down after crossing the white line. πŸ™‚ All this, if they decided not to double park, i.e. !!

Category: Humor | LEAVE A COMMENT
29 September 2012

Running with old friends….

Second run with the WWRR group in two weeks. The last one was after two years. I am nothing if not unpredictable πŸ™‚ Ran with good old Bill Smith for 5.5 miles early in the morning. And then joined the group for another 4 miles. It was great to see some of the old friends – Jeremy, Alan after a long time. Also made new friends – Eric, Carol, Claire…. Hope I will not have to wait for another two years for the next group run πŸ™‚

Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT