5 August 2015

Did I say I was done with terrible puns for the morning?

One more? Please! Please! Please!

I was driving to the office yesterday from Lexington office on Man O War when I suddenly saw this road sign. Had to turn the car back, come around and pull over to take a picture.

Took me some time to realize why the sign was this way. Because “Grassy Creek is greener on the other side”. Haha πŸ™‚

Okay, now I am done with terrible puns for this morning πŸ™‚


Category: Humor | LEAVE A COMMENT
5 August 2015

Don’t believe the “neigh”sayers

Horses travel much better than we do!!! You have to come to Lexington – one of my most favorite small places in USA – to see a big Boeing converted to essentially a barn!! What is the difference between the first class and coach class, I will never know.
The horses often fly to and from the other end of the world – e.g. Saudi Arabia. This one, I am sure is headed to “Philly” πŸ™‚
You see the extra rudder in the plane? You know why? To keep the plane “stable” πŸ™‚ Evidently, this plane packs a little more “horsepower” than most similar planes πŸ™‚
Ok, enough of terrible puns for one morning πŸ™‚


Category: Humor | LEAVE A COMMENT
4 August 2015

Indian Mona Lisa

This will probably be funny only to my Indian friends. This is not original. Found this on the Internet. I have just mildly changed the text.

This is apparently how Mona Lisa would look in India after having two kids, husband abroad for an onsite IT project, in laws moved in to “help out” and the maidservant has not shown up πŸ™‚


2 August 2015

Second 5 miles with Chalupa group

Since one good run deserves another, after running and having Starbucks with Natasha, went to join our Sunday Chalupa group for another 5 miles. It was Sharmila, Malobika and her two daughters. The rest must be on vacation or enjoying the last weekend before school starts.

Here is an interesting coincidence. The guy who took our picture after the first run at the Starbucks where Natasha and I ran from this morning turned out to be actually a barista at the Starbucks that we went to after my second run!! I was getting ready to order when he came out from behind those coffee counters and asked “You put in another run?” I was of course “What are you doing here?” πŸ™‚ That was some coincidence!!


Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
2 August 2015

5 miles with an old friend

Caught up with Natasha Balseca early morning over a 5 mile run and a Starbucks coffee. I had run with her for the first time nearly 8 years back and had not seen her for a long time – ever since she moved to Ecuador. Heard some great stories about Ecuador – need to visit that country with the family. It was great seeing her after some time and catching up on her family…


1 August 2015

Saturday Run

Saturday early morning run with Lynette at Alpharetta Greenway. Followed by Starbucks and discussions on a myriad of topics – including weight loss, English authors and poets and blogging!!


Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
31 July 2015

One more day. One more flight. One more puzzle.

Try this one. It is not as simple as it might sound but not as complicated either.

You have six identical balls except two are painted red, two are painted blue and two are painted white. You know one ball of each color weighs 10 pounds and one ball of each color weighs 11 pounds. (So each color has one lighter ball and one heavier ball).

You have a scale and pan balance but no weights. Only the balance and the six balls.

What is the minimum number of weighings you have to do to determine which are the heavier balls and which are the lighter balls?

30 July 2015

5 mile run in a beautiful wildlife refuge

An important lesson learnt – if you want to grow half an inch in height quickly, be sure to forget your running cap in your hotel when you go for a run in a wildlife refuge. While the surroundings were calm and serene and there were some of the most beautiful birds to be seen, the number of bugs dropping on my unprotected head and biting me was devastating. Half the timeimage I was slapping my head as I ran – I suspect like you would do to a horse if you wanted it to run faster.
Although, I admit just the quietness in John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge was worth it this morning…

30 July 2015

Want to weigh in on this puzzle?

I came up with this puzzle on my flight this evening. Therefore, my solution is not fully vetted. I will put my solution and then hopefully some of you will either show a better solution or vouch for mine. As of now, I am going to post the puzZle and hit the sack. I will check your answers tomorrow.

You have a traditional weighing scale and pan balance – you know where you can put weights or stuff on any of the two sides… You also have the following weights (don’t worry about the units): 1, 10, 100 and 1000.

The question is – how many different weights can you weigh combining the above weights?