6 July 2015

It is time to make changes!!!

Now that USA has won the top position in world soccer (What? There is a men’s version too? Why would we want to send our men in if the women can rule the world?? ), we believe we have earned the moral high ground to make some adjustments. We looked up Google – there is no country called Soccer or Football. So, we cannot attack it on trumped up charges. We will therefore settle for something less ambitious.

First, we will rename FIFA to FISA. To be honest, we will change the remaining F, I and A too moment we figure out what the heck they stand for. If only we could invite Canada alone, we would have gone with World Series or something like that. But now it involves many more countries. It is too confusing to us. We have to change our No Child Left Behind program to teach them that there are more countries than Good (Canada) and Bad (Mexico).

Second, we would like to call the game Nine Ball. We understand the ball is nine inches in diameter. Like we named our game Football since it is a foot long, it is only fair that now we rename what you call football as Nine Ball. And if Tom Brady ever plays this game, we might have to call it Eight Ball.

Third, we are dead against the concept of a ninety minute game getting over in ninety minutes. To us, this is socialism. Capitalism is about pulling in advertising company’s money on TV every time the ball bounces on the ground. See “NFL” for a reference. Applying the same rule to soccer – now renamed Nine Ball (see exception for Tom Brady), we should be able to extend the game to – Oh! four hours or so – which is enough to run adequate number of beer commercials.

Fourth, we think giving just one measly point every time you score a goal is a typical third world thinking. We believe in far more generous in points. Why? Because we can afford to. We have enough money to give more for every goal. Except when we play China. We hate debt collectors. We are like Greece, that way. So, we move that every goal be given 10 points. And every time you can get the ball over the ball line but not in the goal it should be 3 points. Not sure why. But then again, we are not sure why our quarter back stands ahead of the half back either 🙂

Fifth, we consider having one referee for the entire game a human labor exploitation. In any case, if one referee has to run up and down the whole field the whole time, it will run afoul of our minimum wage program. Unless you can get some referees to cross over the wall Donald Trump is building. In which case, we will see the other way. Do not get any labor from India, China or Philippines to run up and down the field though. We have run out of H1B visas till 2057. By the way, have you even seen how many referees we have in a football game? I mean “our” football game? We have a referee per yard of the field. That is all what our Surgeon General has said their BMI will let them move. Now, we even have a referee of referees. He is usually called “Instant Replay”. We recommend minimum seven referees for any soccer game.

We have a few more ideas. But right now, we have to go to a commercial break….

28 June 2015

Run by Lake Michigan

Could not resist the beauty of the lake. As Natasha started unpacking her luggage and setting her dorm room up, I went back to the car, quickly changed and went for a run by the lake. After the run, came back to check on Tasha who had already set her room up neatly. With nothing much to add, I bid her goodbye hoping to put in another run when I come to pick her up…


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26 June 2015

Most hilarious spam I have gotten in some time…

Read the email I got. This is too funny!! This is the response I sent her. Read the spam email before reading the response.

Dear Dolores,
First of all, I am really impressed with how smart you are. Not too many people with email ids janeczkadesrosiers@yahoo.com would make it easier for their readers by introducing themselves as Dolores. I come from a country of seemingly unendingly long names. We should have thought about that before.

I am glad that you liked my photos. And as you pointed out, there was a strong and reliable man in those pics. However, unlike your conclusion that he was behind the picture, I am pretty sure that he was in front of me – taking those photos, in fact. Although, I am a little confused how those new fangled selfies and selfie-sticks work these days. Maybe you are right.

You fell off the chair? You should have seen how I rolled off the floor!!

I have to say that I was most relieved when you referred to your errr… errr…. those “amazing” things. After the recent legalization of gay marriages, you can only imagine how worried I would have been if I had gotten this from somebody without those errr… errr… “amazing” things!!

I am also glad for you that your other “errr… errr… thing” is “something”. Personal experience has taught me that something is better than nothing.

Finally, regarding something interesting about myself… honestly, I am not that interesting. My first wife in fact called me “quirky”. I consider myself somewhat of a dumb guy. As an example, I cannot still figure out which one of the five guys in your “To” list were you talking to all this time.

Anyways, have a good day..


BTW, all of you readers, who are worried at my reference of “first wife”, RELAX. I am still married to her. I just don’t have any empirical evidence to conclusively establish that she is the last one. 🙂

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