3 September 2015

The day after Chris Christie became President

[Yes, this is the third flight of the week and I am bored πŸ™‚ But fresh from the bout of Top Five things that would happen the day after Donald Trump became the President, I figured I should turn my attention to Chris Christie too. Feel free to add to the list of what happened the day after Chris Christie became the President of USA]

Christie lost no time in calling up the Nobel Prize Commitee to find out when would he be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize which, per his understanding, is given to anybody who gets elected to be the US President πŸ™‚ Eventually, a compromise was reached between White House staff and the Powers That Be to enter Chris Christie’s name in the Guinness Book of World Records under the section β€œWhat man made object on Earth is visible from the moon”. πŸ™‚

In his first TV interview after being elected the President, Christie was asked why he believed Americans trusted him to solve the immigration problem more than anybody else. Christie pointed out that most of the illegal immigrants cross into the USA through well concealed tunnels underground. He credited USA citizenry for recognizing his superior level of experience in shutting down tunnels to strand people on either side compared to any other candidate.

In anticipation of a large White House contract (to track illegal immigrants), Fed Ex boosted their total capacity by announcing an imminent deal to buy UPS. The CEO of Fed Ex explained that, in line with the mood of the citizenry, the new company will be called FedUPS. The outgoing UPS CEO, recognizing that FedEx won the war over them, admitted β€œWe never really quite found out what Brown could do for us”.

2 September 2015

After Trump won the Presidential Election

The Top Five likely events to occur the day after Trump wins the Presidential Elections. Please feel free to add your own πŸ™‚

1. Trump tries to pacify Melania who is throwing a hissy fit over having to move to a smaller house πŸ™‚

2. The military scrambling to repaint the plane to name it “Hair Force One” πŸ™‚

3. To fulfill the manifesto promise to shut down the Department of Education, Department of Commerce and another one that he cannot remember either, Trump converts them to Trump casinos πŸ™‚

4. Department of Justice starts drawing up a plan to deport each and every illegal immigrant. Juan by Juan. πŸ™‚

5. In order to hear his acceptance speech that morning, the nation that just elected Trump as President, mistakenly tuned to the TV show “Orange is the new Black”. πŸ™‚

[and remembering one famous line from Jon Stewart… the official handover from Obama to Trump was televised by MSNBC under the headlines “When Barry met Silly” πŸ™‚ ]

31 August 2015

An interesting logic puzzle

I thought this is a real cool problem… IT is all about logical thinking…

A teacher took out 8 stamps from a box – four of them white and four of them black. He got three of his brightest students – X, Y and Z and made them stand facing each other. He showed them the stamps, blindfolded each of them and then put two stamps on each of their foreheads. He put the final two stamps back in the box and closed the box. Then he opened the blindfolds. So, each of X, Y and Z could see the stamps on the forehead of the other two (but not their own – or the ones in the box). But they could obviously hear each other.

The teacher asked X first what were the color of the stamps (White White or Black Black or White Black) on his forehead. He said he did not know. The teacher asked then Y the same question. Y said he did not know either. Similarly the teacher asked Z and he too replied he did not know.

The teacher went back to X and asked if he now knew what he had. X again replied in the negative. The teacher asked Y next. And he did answer.

What was his answer? How did he deduce it?

30 August 2015

Speed runs

After the hill runs, tried to push the leg muscles to take some pounding of speed runs. After a couple of miles of warm up, posted three 100 m dashes at 17 seconds, 16 seconds and 16 seconds each. That is about the time most pro runners would take if they also took a bio break in the middle of the dash πŸ™‚ But for me that was a tough feat.

Then joined the Chalupa crowd for a quick 5K run in 25 minutes.

As always, it is great to see all the Chalupa folks – and especially the kids come out on a Sunday morning for some healthy exercises instead of sleeping in. The kids had a lot of fun after the run in their make shift camp at the back of a car πŸ™‚
