11 October 2015

From the bartender’s corner – Basil’s bite

This has Aperol, Gin, Bitters and muddled basil leaves with more basil leaves as garnish.

Now before you become too judgmental and point out that this is not really the right time of the year to make basil based drinks, may I point out that our basil plant is dying with the advent of cooler weather and the last few basil leaves are left?

Those among you who have a penchant for Bengali literature would recognize my predicament to be akin to that of the spy from Lord Rama’s camp in Sukumar Ray’s play “Lakshman-er Shaktishel”. When asked by Lord Rama to describe what happened the whole day in detail – ostensibly in Ravana’s camp – he started with a mea culpa of having eaten pumpkin gourd in the morning although it was forbidden by the almanac. His simple excuse was that the pumpkin was starting to rot!!

I have attached those lines in the pic in case you wanted your memory jogged…


10 October 2015

Full marathon distance. 26.2 miles. 42 km. Done. Now can I die?

First time ever covered the full marathon distance. Took 4 hours and 56 minutes. Including bio breaks, water breaks, changing of shirts breaks, catching my breath breaks and simple wondering why the heck am I doing this to myself breaks, the whole run took 5 hours and 35 minutes.

Got caught in sharp rains at the 24th mile. I was glad. It kept me distracted just when I was starting to get tired and made the finishing of the run more fun as I jumped from puddle to puddle.

Now I am ready for my first formal Marathon race. Okay, then. My first formal Marathon race – see you in Marathon!!


Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
9 October 2015

It is NOT my birthday today!

Ok, where did I say it is my birthday today? I was just trying to say that I have been waiting for this day – hoping – like every year – that this year they will give me the Nobel Peace Prize. Which, by the way, they did not. How did you conclude that is my birthday? How come you did not think it is my anniversary? Why do you think that it is not more special to me like I do? (Psssstt…. Sharmila is on my Facebook friend list) 🙂

Okay, I admit. There was some mischief mongering there. I had decided to write a light material on not getting the Peace Prize. So, the previous day, I set up a FB trap to let my gullible friends think I was talking about my birthday.

But here is the irony. When I sent out the light material making fun of me not getting the Nobel Prize this morning (replete with well documented arguments why I should have), I was expecting the same folks to say “Haha! You got us there”! Instead, I am getting more and more sympathetic messages from more and more friends feeling sorry that I did not get the Nobel Prize … that too on my birthday!!!

Now, I have started getting calls from India!!! I might have created a Frankenstein.

I have to further submit that it has been a lot of fun though. Almost enough to take out the pain of not getting the Nobel Peace Prize 🙂

BTW, I am impressed that Arthur Altman caught on to my exact ruse yesterday.

On a more serious note, birthday or otherwise, your remembrance and act of penning a wish or calling me is absolutely returned with a deep sense of gratitude from me cherishing our relationship that I hope will grow thru fun times (like this) and not-fun times, birthdays and non-birthdays.

9 October 2015

Dang! This was supposed to be my special day!

Like every year, I woke up to this day that I look forward to expectantly. Like every year, this year too, I was hoping to get a lot of messages from my well wishers. I was more than a little intrigued though by the fact that my Whatsapp did not ring continuously like a tricycle bell the whole night from my friends in India with congratulatory messages. After all, they are nine and a half hours ahead of me.

Excitedly, I opened up cnn.com on my iPhone only to realize that – Dang! They did not give me the Nobel Peace Prize this year either! That is very sad. I am taking it very hard this year. I tried my best. As an example, I strove very hard to stay alive this year. I understand that the Prize can be given only to non-dead people.

Admittedly I have not caused thousands and thousands of people to die (e.g Kissinger) nor did I make up a lot of stuff in a book (e.g. Menchu) to win the prize. It is true that I have not been just elected the President of America (e.g. Obama) either.

But in my defense, it can certainly be said that everytime my daughter and my wife picked up a fight(I think I forgot to use two adjectives – “elder” and “hourly” appropriately), I refused to participate and instead slinked out of the house to the nearest bar to sip a glass of wine. Experience has taught me that getting involved only made both of them gang up on me and unnecessarily knocked me off the Committee’s list of nominees.

Neither have I ever bothered to respond every time my wife tried to pick a fight with me. (I am hoping against hopes that the Committee is noticing a trend here with my wife. (For nothing would hurt me more if she got the Prize and I did not). In any case, as I was mentioning, any time she tried to pick up a fight, I would just exercise my right to remain silent, secretly hoping that the Committee was keeping count. Just in case they needed a backup, I also carry a small notebook where I keep count. Plus trying to talk animatedly while sipping wine has gifted me way too many stained shirts than I really need. And I have heard that the Norwegian guys do not like messy guys.

On a final note, I would like to submit that anytime my daughters or my aforementioned wife was found hysterically screaming upon spotting a small spider (which would be less than a centimeter any which way you measured it) or a cockroach (which had apparently lost all its legs in an unfortunate incident) or one of those small harmless insects which have more legs than you can throw a stick at, I refused to listen to their orders to kill the insects. A lot of it was because it was difficult to see them from the safe distance I would have myself fled to with my wine glass intact in my hand.

As I said, I am really getting frustrated. This might be the wine talking, but right now, I can kill for a Nobel Peace Prize 🙂

7 October 2015

Another DC trail run

Woke up at nearly 4 AM to catch a very early morning flight to DC. By the time I landed, frankly, I was yet to wake up 🙂 It definitely did not help think thru a gnarly business related challenge I was trying to figure out how to navigate. Fortunately, there was time between landing and the first meeting. Changed clothes at the airport and put in a quick 5K at Rock Creek Trail before taking a shower and showing up for the meeting. I was not only awakened, I also knew what to do with the business problem I was dealing with. 
It is amazing how focused your mind becomes once you hit a lonely trail where you are ever aware of a root in the ground that can trip you up or a darting squirrel that can frighten the bejeezus out of you…