6 March 2013


Remember all my bravado of facing into the weather? Well, the customer must have read my FB post too! They canceled our meeting 🙂 So change of plans and I head back home, tail between legs and all 🙂

6 March 2013

Let the adventure begin!

Forty eight hours of adventure begins. Decided to brave the winter storm and stick to my original travel plan – Philly, Richmond, DC in three days.
Philly was uneventful. Rest of it promises to be fun. The storms have picked up now. Pretty strong wind. Snow starting. Tried to get out early and switched to an earlier flight. They promptly delayed it by an hour.
Puddle jumper in strong winds taking off and landing in snow. Ought to be exciting. Not!!

16 December 2012


7 in the morning and DC is totally wrapped in fog. (Cue in your jokes about politicians without a foggiest idea here 🙂 ). This is in Reston area. Wonder how the Foggybottom area is looking like now… 🙂

16 December 2012

Dallas meeting

At the risk of assuming people actually want to meet me, let me apologize to all those who I promised to meet next time I am in Dallas. I am coming in for a short meeting and dinner and then head out first thing in the morning. Can’t wait to see good old Dallas though. And you, when we come on vacation in December. — at Ronald Reagan National Airport.

16 December 2012

Richard Andersen

Here is a small experience that inspired me about values. As I was boarding the flight to NY last night, I was chatting up the flight attendant who has been with Delta for over 25 years. I asked her about an interesting event she experienced. She talked about how just the previous day, the CEO of Delta was in her flight. She regretted she could not serve him because she takes care of first class and he with his office people were sitting waaaaay back in economy. I called up one of his direct reports who I happened to know professionally and he confirmed that the CEO travels economy in his own airline for business!!!
I recognize there are different styles to succeed but this story somehow spoke to me!

23 August 2012

Seat 2A

Yesterday I flew from Atlanta to DC. Delta Flight 1125. Seat 2A. Today I fly back from DC to Atlanta. Also Delta. Also Flight 1125 (same number!). How is it that both have the same number? If that was not enough, my seat today is 2A too!! With any luck, it will be the same equipment and I can retrieve the book I left in the seat pouch yesterday. 🙂