7 December 2015

’tis the season to be jolly !

This morning, while having coffee with my Sunday running buddies at a Starbucks, I saw a nice chandelier right above our head. It had some – what looked like – unique lamps. Took a few pictures with my iPhone. Anybody who has tried to take a picture of a bulb with iPhone will know that it is very tricky since the lens gets very confused on the focus/aperture thing (too many spots with too much brightness contrasts).

In any case, I had completely forgotten about it. Just now, I was looking for something and chanced upon those pictures from the morning. Out of curiosity, darkened the pictures a little and lo and behold! I realized something that I had not this morning. Each “bulb” is actually a bunch of LEDs arranged like a Christmas tree!!

It is the season to be jolly!!!


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1 November 2015

Suddenly, upon a fence…

I was cleaning the pool in the rain when I thought I saw something unique fallen on the fence. I assumed it was a small branch that had fallen off a tree in the high winds. But it was the colors that got my attention. Once I walked up to it, I realized that it was a single strand of a creeper – I believe it is called a wild grape creeper – hugging onto the fence.

I cannot think of a better microcosm of Mother Nature’s glorious change of colors. We have all seen the beauty of tall trees changing colors – but note how this single strand has all the changing colors – going from green in the top to the bright red in the bottom.

Apologize for the quality of the shot – it was raining and I needed to quickly get a couple of shots in my iPhone before water got into the phone.



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