24 August 2014

Enjoyable 10 mile run

After almost three months, put in a 10 mile (16 K) run. The most fun part was Nikita joined me in her bike for the first 3.1 miles (5K). At one point we raced going downhill. We both peaked at 5:30 min/mile on the dirt roads. As a result I had to slow down to 10:30 min/mile for the last seven miles. Very sultry day but the constant breeze made it enjoyable.

23 August 2014

Nikispeak – Shakespearian dilemma

The morning, Niki was in our master bathroom getting decked up by Sharmila for her Indian dance performance slated for later in the morning. I happened to swing by to go to the closet and on my way jumped on to the weighing scales to check my weight. As I got off the scales and proceeded towards the closet, the following conversation ensued…

Niki: “So what did the scales say?”

Me: “164.2 pounds”

Niki: “Is that good or bad?”

Me (in an attempt to brush her off): “There is nothing good or bad. Only thinking makes it so”.

Niki (promptly): “Got it. You just don’t want to admit that it is bad”  🙂

After I had my laugh, I asked her seriously “Do you know who said those words – there is nothing good or bad m’lord… only thinking makes it so?”

Niki: “Albert Einstein?”

Me: “Get out! Somebody much earlier than that”

Niki: “Jesus?”

Me (barely suppressing my laughter): “No. Later”

Niki: “American Indians?”

Me: “Where are you coming up with these guesses from? His first name was William and he was born in England”

Niki: “I know. Prince William!”

Finally, I gave up and said “No. It was William Shakespeare”.

“Totally uninteresting dude”, she retorted!!