15 August 2014

Aggressive acquisition by Delta, reported by Roy-ters

Vice President Kerry was stranded in Hawaii when Air Force Two was grounded for mechanical problems.

It has now been revealed that in a further sign of consolidation of airlines, Delta had actually acquired Air Force One and Two last year πŸ™‚ Vice President Kerry was given a $300 voucher that he can use anytime in the next year as long as it was on Air Force Two πŸ™‚

Jokes aside, the Veep was put on a commercial plane and he took it in his stride. When his staff informed him of they having moved him to an United Airlines flight, apparently he immediately responded “Finally, some frequent flier miles!!!”.

By the way, did you know Air Force Two or for that matter Air Force One is not a particular plane? Any US Air Force aircraft used by the President or the VP is automatically designated Air Force One or Two.

13 August 2014

My famous friends have a poor opinion of me :-)

Also called “The three things I learned thru Robin William’s death”

Lesson 1.
Going thru the Facebook posts showing up on my timeline, I am convinced that my friends believe I suffer from Alzheimer’s. Even after “n” people have informed me of the unfortunate and untimely demise of the great stand up comedian, some of them multiple times I must say, that has not prevented the “n+1” person from re-informing me a few minutes later. Or “n+2” or “n+3” for that matter…. I know my Math friends are going “Dude. That is called Mathematical Induction”. However, unlike Mathematical Induction, the starting point of “n” is not very small. In fact, it is an unconscionably high number. I can only be concerned and grateful at the same time at their sensitivity to the condition I apparently suffer from.

Lesson 2.
Many of those reminders to me come in the shape and form of direct exhortation to Robin Williams to rest in peace or thanking him for all the laughs. I certainly hope Robin Williams is paying heed to my friends’ wishes but I have to admit that I did not realize he was going to check his Facebook page from his afterlife. To be honest, I did not even know that you are allowed to carry your smartphone to your afterlife. I need to remind myself to check into that data plan before I hit an advanced stage of my memory condition. But I am absolutely proud of myself that I am surrounded by friends who are Facebook friends with Robin Williams. Maybe there are a few degrees of separation here, but I feel I am justified to show off my very well-connected friends to every body else. Especially those riff raffs who did not know Robin Williams well enough to instruct him to rest in peace on their Facebook page.

Lesson 3.
Dang it! What is the other lesson I was thinking of?
My God! Maybe my famous friends are right about that Alzheimer’s thing, after all!!!!
