18 October 2015

From the bartender’s corner – Farmer Giles

Since I missed my traditional two glasses of wine during Durga Puja (when I would slink out of the place where all the festivities are held just to cool my heels at a nearby bar – but today I had to take care of one of the daughters), I decided to top off the evening with a stiff drink before I go to bed. This one has Gin, sweet vermouth and dry vermouth and some bitters.


16 October 2015

I know it is National Boss’s day…

… but can you hold all your wishes? I have not had a chance to take Sharmila’s permission yet to call myself the boss 🙂

A classic one I had heard once was when a very irate boss confronted an employee with an aggressive “Who is being stupid – you or I?”, the employee calmly replied “Everybjody knows Sir, that you do not hire stupid people” 🙂

13 October 2015

National No Bar Day?

Why are they closing all the bars for the whole day? How am I going to have a balanced diet today? In any case, how do you celebrate a No Bar day if not by going to the Bar? I am so going to blame those guys who organized this day for my putting on weight. Experience has taught me that alcohol prevents me from getting fat. In fact it makes me lean… admittedly, on chairs and tables but still…

What was that? It is not No “Bar” Day? I misread it? Oh! I see!! So, what is it today? Wait a minute…
WHAT? WHO COMES UP WITH THESE….. Oh! Never mind!!! 🙂

(Reference: http://nationaldaycalendar.com/2015/10/12/october-13-2015-national-no-bra-day-national-train-your-brain-day-national-yorkshire-pudding-day-navys-birthday/)

11 October 2015

From the bartender’s corner – Basil’s bite

This has Aperol, Gin, Bitters and muddled basil leaves with more basil leaves as garnish.

Now before you become too judgmental and point out that this is not really the right time of the year to make basil based drinks, may I point out that our basil plant is dying with the advent of cooler weather and the last few basil leaves are left?

Those among you who have a penchant for Bengali literature would recognize my predicament to be akin to that of the spy from Lord Rama’s camp in Sukumar Ray’s play “Lakshman-er Shaktishel”. When asked by Lord Rama to describe what happened the whole day in detail – ostensibly in Ravana’s camp – he started with a mea culpa of having eaten pumpkin gourd in the morning although it was forbidden by the almanac. His simple excuse was that the pumpkin was starting to rot!!

I have attached those lines in the pic in case you wanted your memory jogged…


10 October 2015

Full marathon distance. 26.2 miles. 42 km. Done. Now can I die?

First time ever covered the full marathon distance. Took 4 hours and 56 minutes. Including bio breaks, water breaks, changing of shirts breaks, catching my breath breaks and simple wondering why the heck am I doing this to myself breaks, the whole run took 5 hours and 35 minutes.

Got caught in sharp rains at the 24th mile. I was glad. It kept me distracted just when I was starting to get tired and made the finishing of the run more fun as I jumped from puddle to puddle.

Now I am ready for my first formal Marathon race. Okay, then. My first formal Marathon race – see you in Marathon!!


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