28 December 2012

My family and shoe throwing

During dinner yesterday, I gave my family the puzzle I had posted before about the three cannibals and three monks trying to cross the river. The discussions were hilarious. You can see here how my sister, mother and sister in law are using three shoes as cannibals, three slippers as monks and trying to solve it on the floor at home. The yelling and shoe throwing was to die for!!


28 December 2012


That was a well executed surprise!! Yesterday I landed in India to visit my ailing dad for a few days.. Nobody other than my brother knew. My sister in law almost choked in surprise. Should have seen my nephews’ jaws drop when they saw me. Then we all drove to my dad’s house. My mom – who absolutely did not recognize me as I was pulling the suitcase out of the elevator – whispered to my sister-in-law -“Who is that guy? Is he with you folks?” ๐Ÿ™‚ My dad was so overwhelmed by it, he got out of the bed and started pacing up and down!! (I have come to see him since he had a knee operation and he is having post-operative complications and he soon realized he is not supposed to pace up and down ๐Ÿ™‚ ). Nobody can believe it that my brother and I kept it completely under the wraps for over two months!!! To maintain the secrecy, I even stopped posting on Facebook. (All my FB friends are so going to “Like” the last statement ๐Ÿ™‚ ). I have been posting on rollsroys.wordpress.com though.

28 December 2012


It is 50 degrees. And there is no concept of room heating. God it is cold. Just six months back I was here and it was 108 degrees. No wonder my parents complain so much about everything ๐Ÿ™‚ And I have become such a wimp!!!