19 August 2013

Finishing the week

Regardless of how my week went – and they certainly don’t go the way I want always, I can always count on it ending on a perfect note. Always a date night with Sharmila at Milton’s. With our old friends at the bar – Nate, Alex, Alexis, Katelyn, Cathy just to name a few…. The special ones are when Brandon sings at the bar. Here he is …


11 July 2013

“But I have promises to keep…

…and miles to go before I sleep” ( Frost)

Last year Madhumolli (my friend from school days – one of the few that just could not stand me – but that is a story for another day πŸ™‚ ) excitedly told me that her daughter (a year younger than Natasha) had started running. Even more excitedly, I called her daughter up and before thinking much, promised to run with her within one year.
Managed to grab a train after meetings in London today, haul it to Slough, put in a 3K run with her and turned around immediately to haul back to London. We even managed to get her dad to run with us half the distance!!!
Awesome feeling to keep a promise!! Even more awesome feeling was to keep up with somebody one third my age on the running track.


5 July 2013

How often does this happen?

Yesterday, while climbing up Murray Rd from the Falls, I heard somebody yelling my name. Sure enough, Aabhas Chandra – a colleague from long past – a decade in fact – had somehow managed to recognize me in a crowd thru all the changes I have gone thru in that decade!!! Both of us were in a hurry at that moment – so we scooted off at that time after exchanging pleasantries…
And then we got together this morning in the one way I know how to catch up with long lost friends – we ran for half an hour in front of the Niagara Falls and then grabbed a Starbucks!!!
Evidently, the arcs of lives meet more than once!!!


26 May 2013

Once a tradition, always a tradition

Our motley crowd of Bengalis did not have our group run today. Amitesh is in Myrtle Beach, Arup is somewhere up in the high mountains, Samaresh is in Altanta and I am in Hilton Head.
But come 7:30, as promised, we all got out and ran a virtual group run from wherever we were.
A promise is a promise is a promise.
[given Arup’s running attire today, I can safely assume he is in a colder place than the rest of us πŸ™‚ ]


30 March 2013

We ran Deep!

7 mile run under an hour with my good old friend Deepanjan visiting from Shanghai. We were feeling pretty smug about our run when we ran into another old runner friend of mine – Lia Knower. Once we heard about her 27 hour 100 mile run, we simply walked back home πŸ™‚
