5 July 2013

How often does this happen?

Yesterday, while climbing up Murray Rd from the Falls, I heard somebody yelling my name. Sure enough, Aabhas Chandra – a colleague from long past – a decade in fact – had somehow managed to recognize me in a crowd thru all the changes I have gone thru in that decade!!! Both of us were in a hurry at that moment – so we scooted off at that time after exchanging pleasantries…
And then we got together this morning in the one way I know how to catch up with long lost friends – we ran for half an hour in front of the Niagara Falls and then grabbed a Starbucks!!!
Evidently, the arcs of lives meet more than once!!!


Posted July 5, 2013 by Rajib Roy in category "Our Friends", "Running", "Vacations


  1. By Ranga Sampath on

    When there are 1.2B Indians at the falls for 4th of July, it is not surprising one of them
    Is your friend ;)! We experienced the feeling if being in India 4 years ago at the same place.

  2. By RipuDaman Singh on

    Seeing pictures of Niagara Falls from the 2 if u, I was wondering if there will be a Bollywood meeting of the two of you! Which one of u is Amitabh and which one Shashi Kapoor? πŸ™‚

  3. By Aabhas Chandra on

    Thanks Rajib, it was good meeting you after a looooong time. Thanks to Rajasekhar for letting me know that you are at Niagara. Next time when we run together, hope I can run a little more and faster :-). Hemant, no we did not catch up on ghazals :-).


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