12 December 2012

After twenty years!!!

It might be a lot of fun to ride in a one horse open sleigh but let me tell you what is more fun: Meeting up with somebody I worked with twenty years back!! And we met by running together for a few miles early in the dark morning in Central Park, New York!! The Starbucks after that was extra special as I caught up with the fascinating twenty year journey of Sourabh Banerji. Always feel special to count such successful professionals and genuine human beings as my friends.


18 August 2012

How often does this happen?

Something really surreal happened this morning. I had just finished up my 7 mile run in Greenway Trail and come out of the Fowler Park entrance. As I started my stretches, I could hear a couple of guys talking in my mother tongue (Bengali). It is uncommon enough to hear that language that it peaked my interest. I saw two gentlemen on bikes and from the conversation, I understood that they were wondering how to get back to the main road. When they came close to me, I asked them if they needed help with directions.

Of course, they were surprised that I could speak Bengali. One thing led to the other and soon one of the gentlemen pointed out that although he is a Tamilian, he can speak Bengali since he was born and brought up in Durgapur!! And that his dad was a teacher in St. Xavier’s School there. That was my school !!

You should have seen my face !!!

In a jiffy, I realized something. So I offered – “You know, I think I know who you are. Your brother and I were classmates in middle school. He might have mentioned me to you recently. I had a drink with him in June in Kolkata.”

This time, you should have seen his face!!

His brother – my classmate – had mentioned about him living in Atlanta when I met him in India after 29 years. I told him about the classes when I was his dad’s student. And in a full circle, we realized that my elder daughter goes for their Indian culture classes to his school!!! Every Sunday!!

Whoever said running is boring? πŸ™‚

18 August 2012


Today was the day to meet old friends! After the running incident this morning, in the evening ran into dear oldJonathan ColehowerΒ and his family. Had not seen his daughters since Boston and Debbie and him in the last 4 years. It was simply awesome to run into such a honest to earth and beautiful family as the Colehowers!! I was amazed that Jonathan recognized me in the dim lights in the Bowling Alley especially since I have changed a lot in the four years…

13 August 2012

It could have been worse :-)

This morning I was running my usual 5 mile run around Georgia Tech area – staying very close to the one route that I know after getting lost last week πŸ™‚ – when a car pulled up ahead of me about 50 yards on this desolate street and a young lady got out and started hysterically yelling towards me. The first thought that went thru my head is that she must be some Georgia Tech student mistaking me for one more of those Indian professors – who undoubtedly flunked her in her last quiz πŸ™‚

The plot really thickened when a very well built young guy got out of the car next πŸ™‚ Just when I was weighing my options of showing a clean pair of heels (thru my bright blue shoes – no less πŸ™‚ – in keeping with the shoes-match-shirt mindset that I am in these days πŸ™‚ ), I realized that it was indeed Rachel and her husband Andy! I have run with Rachel a couple of times in the past and I still remember how fast she ran. She kept up with a conversation the whole 7:45 pace run and I merely grunted “ummm” and “hmmm” throughout! In my defense, I am twice her age πŸ™‚ (The mileage is even more πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ )

It was great running into her this morning after almost four months! Plus I finally got to meet Andy – which she had been threatening to do for quite some time πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Hope to run with Rachel and Andy soon!

By the way, I completely forgot to ask how she did in her quiz πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

8 July 2012

Immigration at Toronto

About a year back, late one night I was sleepy and was relieved to finally get my turn at the immigration counter. I thought I would be done in 60 seconds and off to the hotel I would go to sleep. And it was almost the case till I answered the officer’s answer on where I work. It was a five minute tirade on how allegedly we have messed up her credit. Finally, I was able to explain to her that we merely report what she has done – we don’t change anything. But I did promise to have our team in the country look at her case.

Today, as I was trying to breeze thru immigration, the officer (different one) chatted me up. Found out he worked in our company 5 years before I joined!! Left once his unit was sold off! Had great things to say about his old friends. Nice guy!!

Funny part – it is the same airport!! Toronto!!

16 April 2012


Met up with two of our buddies from Dallas who are visiting Atlanta. Gampu is deciding on college and you can see his dad’s reaction πŸ™‚ β€” with Subho BandoPadhay and Rishi Bandopadhay.
