4 January 2014

Niki quips

Lufthansa (from Frankfurt to Atlanta) had to change their airplane equipment because of oversold situation. The upshot is that they upgraded two of our tickets to First Class. Tasha and I volunteered Niki and Sharmila to take those seats. As I got them settled in their seats, as a parting shot, I told Niki – “Don’t get too used to these luxuries. Once you are on your own, you will have to start from basics like all of us did”. She immediately retorted “Dad, I have flown coach in Delta. I can do anything”. Even the air hostess burst out laughing ๐Ÿ™‚

2 January 2014

Personal wish fulfilled

Some of you who are close to me are aware that one of the bucketlist items I have is to work in a bar. I am fascinated by the art of mixing drinks. I have even figured out couple of courses to take in Atlanta during my next sabbatical.

This is one of the reasons I make friends with the bar persons everywhere in the world. One of my absolute favorite mixologist is Bensan at Arola bar at JW Marriott Mumbai. He makes some of the best martinis I have ever had. He is a master at his art.

I had this goal of getting Sharmila to his bar and get him to show off his trade. Last night, Sharmila and I went to Arola. Bensan did not disappoint me. Made some memorable cocktails with great flair!!

Here are a few snaps of the master at his game!!


30 December 2013

Chalu-pa run across the continents

The Sunday morning Bengali running group was on vacation. However, everybody ran at 8 am on Sunday in a virtual Chalupa run. The first five pictures are from a few members running on the beaches of Florida, the next two are Sudakshina and Manas doing the authentic run in Atlanta and the last one is myself and my brother running in India. Apparently distance cannot separate our running together spirit….


19 December 2013

Sarah Palin!

For those of you who believe what Sarah Palin says is pure gibberish, there might be some vindication. At least if you read the news article from USA Today app this morning on your iPhone. (I removed the middle page)



Category: Humor | LEAVE A COMMENT
18 December 2013

Birthday puzzle

A few days back, I called up an old friend Anamika to wish her happy birthday and she told me that she was out having lunch with her neighbor who also has the exact same birthday!! That got me thinking about what is the probability of such a coincidence happening. Here is a puzzle from that thought process.

If you are mathematically oriented, try solving it. If not, take a guess and see how it compares with the right answer. My guess is that the guess is going to be much larger than the actual number.

Simply put, what is the minimum size of a class where the probability that there is at least one birthday that is shared by two students is more than 50%?

Put in details, if you have two students in a class, the chance they will have the exact some birthday is 1/365. If a third student comes in, there is a higher probability of two of them having the same birthday. If a fourth student comes in, the probability increases further. At what size of the class do you have a 50-50 chance of a birthday being repeated?

15 December 2013


Felt a little better this afternoon after this cold , headache and so on. Went to put in a 5K run to see if I could sustain it. It was a wind-assisted 8:09 min/mile pace.
I say wind-assisted because of the gusts of wind that was there. One such gust blew this tent away to the other side of the road!!


Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
13 December 2013

Some interesting trivia puzzles…

Napoleon was not as short as he is made out to be. In fact at 5′ 6.5″, he taller than an average Frenchman. So, where did the misconception of he being short come from?

This is for my American football fans. In the very first Super Bowl, at the start of second half, Packers had to kick off the ball twice to start the game. Do you know why?

What is the longest English word that does not repeat a letter?

Once before, we had talked about English words which have all the vowels in the proper sequence – e.g. Abstemious. Now can you come up with words that have the vowels in the reverse order? (First u, then o….)

The phrase “two plus eleven” and “one plus twelve” are interesting in that both give “thirteen”. They have another relationship. Can you find out what?

There is a debate on whether “I am” or “Go” is the shortest English sentence. It depends upon whether you believe you have to have a subject stated in a statement. Do you know what is the longest sentence in English language?
I will give you the answer – “Marriage” ๐Ÿ˜‰
Okay, that was not a trivia puzzle. Try the other ones….

11 December 2013

An inspiring meeting!

Had a brilliant time over a drink with Milind last evening after a full day’s worth of work. I had the opportunity to work together with him – nearly ten years younger to me – in i2 many many moons ago. There were some 10,000 employees that had worked at some point of time in i2. By my experience – and feedback from those thousands of i2ers who went and joined a lot of other companies – it certainly was an exceptional place in terms of an unbelievable number of really really smart people coming together under one tent with an incredible “whatever it takes” attitude.

Most all of them have moved on to other companies following great careers. However, I have always wondered whether we created enough entrepreneurs who would go on to start their own companies. For such an entrepreneurial environment, it strikes me as though we might not have had our fair share.

Milind is certainly the most successful entrepreneur I know of from i2.

Having created a company which, in its short history of seven years (last five have generated revenue) has reached an annual revenue generation of nearly $200M, he probably produces more revenue than all entrepreneurs from i2 put together.

What a great success story at such an early age.

We talked a lot about the challenges of growing and sustaining a company. The challenges of building coherent teams and a deliberate culture. Great discussions. Very inspiring.

Hope to see many more young men and women from my past create value in this world like Milind has.

Then he floored me with something.
I did not know this but early in his career, apparently he worked for a Swiss gentleman named Mr. Hertig who had moved to Mumbai and had created an eponymous company to make fine writing instruments and sell there. Milind has a few fountain pens saved from those days.
He had read about my fascination for fountain pens in a previous post and guess what? Since that day, he had saved a pen set for me waiting to meet me some day. That day happened yesterday!

Here’s to many more successes to you, Milind. So much so, that none of my fountain pens can ever finish writing about them!!!


10 December 2013

Central Park Run

5K run with Amy in Central Park early morning. We worked together in our last jobs. It was nice weather… till we sat down for breakfast. And then Boom! Heavy snow started!! I am glad we had finished our run!!
Caught up with her travels in Africa. Was intrigued by her description of Ghana. Apparently poor but very happy people and tourist friendly. Sounds like the African version of Costa Rica!!! Need to put it in my bucket list!
