25 January 2014

Interesting antonyms !

After the Tech fair competition, on our way back, Nikita and I stopped at a Starbucks. The entrance to the Starbucks was a little convoluted. On our way out, we got stuck. After pulling out of the parking spot, I could not move forward since there was a car there waiting to move who was waiting for the car in front to move who could not take a right turn because another car was blocking the way trying to come in. And that car could not move either since there was a car in front of it who wanted to get into my parking spot. But it could not do that till I cleared out!!

So, I explained to Nikita that in computer science, this is what is called a “deadlock”. Nobody could move since we had a circular dependency. Eventually, all the drivers realized that we have an unsolvable problem. It was solved when the car wanting to take a left turn, decided instead to go forward into the Drive Thru lane.

As I finally pulled forward, Nikita asked, “So, are we Liveopen now?”.

I am like – “What? Oh!!!!” ๐Ÿ™‚

Category: Humor | LEAVE A COMMENT
21 January 2014

Puzzle: 16 coins

I found this puzzle today. I have not tried it myself. But I think you will know when you get the right answer. Further, unlike other times, I am writing this to you on my way out of Atlanta as I commence my business trip, not on my return trip. Which means, I may not be able to check answers till the end of day or in flights…
Do send personal messages only and not comments.

Arrange 16 coins in a simple square of 4 coins by 4 coins. Now, remove 6 coins in a way that every row and every column still has even number of coins left.

20 January 2014

Evening Run

After a long time, ran in the evening. I am usually a morning person. Went running in the hills. There were a lot of kids horseback riding. I was half afraid that I might have appeared as a traffic cone to the horses ๐Ÿ™‚
Nice 63 degrees. It falls to 18 in about 24 hours!!


18 January 2014

One more of those hilarious conversations with mom…

I was having my daily call with mom this morning. We were just chatting about how the day went for her when she suddenly asked “Badambhaja kachchis?” (“Are you having roasted peanuts?” – this, by the way, is a very common snack for Bengalis). Completely taken aback (after all, I was just having my first cup of coffee in the the morning that time), I replied “Na. Keno bolo to?”. (“Nope. Why?”). To which she responded “Naah. Hotat badambhajar gondho pelam monay holo”. (“Oh! I thought I just smelt some roasted peanuts”).

And I am like “What? I am talking to you on the phone” ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

A similar incident had happened a long time back. I was talking to her from my mobile phone near my cubicle in office. I was talking a little softly (unlike other days where I would have stepped out of the office and called her). She asked me if I was sick. (BTW, my mom ย jumps straight to the conclusion that I am sick if I do anything different from what I did the previous day ๐Ÿ™‚ ). I, of course, said No and asked her why. She said that my voice was very muffled. So, I explained to her that there were other people around me who did not understand Bengali and I was trying not to be rude – so I was speaking softly.ย She immediately hushed her voice and said “Oh! that is a good point”.

And I am like “Why are YOU hushing your voice?” ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

We still talk about that incident once in a while….

17 January 2014

The girls always stick together…

Last night after coming back home, I was teasing Sharmila about something. She was putting up a spirited fight but clearly was not winning the battle of wits. (That is my story and I am sticking to it ๐Ÿ™‚ ). So the two girls immediately jumped in to bolster support for mom. But, I think what Niki did next bordered on the extreme ๐Ÿ™‚


13 January 2014

What was that again?

I will not mention who the subject of this story is – for, like most others, I value my life too – but it was too hilarious not to share.

It was a Sunday afternoon – and like most Sunday afternoons, I was going around doing my business – which means mostly doing maintenance work inside and outside the house and cleaning and organizing stuff. Since the temperatures were a little better, I decided to clean up the garage.

Soon, I noticed a lot of clutter – including shoe boxes lying around. I was almost going to throw them into the garbage when I realized that they actually had shoes inside. Opened a box – and there was a nice pair of running shoes inside. And “nice” to me, means flashy colors ๐Ÿ™‚

Of course, worried that *somebody* might have forgotten about them, I went inside the house and had this conversation with her:

Me: “Did you know that your new running shoes are lying around in the garage?”
*Somebody*: “I know. I have not found a matching shirt to buy yet. ”
Me (totally confused): “Ok. So why are the new shoes lying around in the garage? Why are they not in the closet where you keep your shoes?”
*S*: I have run out space for more shoes.

I returned to the task of cleaning up the garage wondering what the hell am I thinking taking a year off from work….