21 January 2013

Sunday night..

Every Sunday night has been go out for a drink night withSharmila Roy. Be it India, Costa Rica, Florida, Hilton Head in the last year, it has always been the same. In the last five months, it also meant watching NFL game at our favorite bar. Now we are watching the last game of the season on Sunday night at our watering hole. After this, it will be a seven month wait 🙁 — with Sharmila Roy at Milton’s Cuisine & Cocktails.

20 January 2013

New members!!

5K on our Sunday morning Bengali run. Today, we almost doubled our team size with Arup Dhar and Manas Chatterjee joining us. The usual Amitesh Mukherjee and Samaresh Mukhopadhyay was there too. We missed Amitesh for the coffee though. It was a crisp cool morning with freezing temperatures but sun out in full glory…


Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
19 January 2013

Jefferson quote

“I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.” – Thomas Jefferson to William Hamilton, April 22, 1800
(thanks Al Blake for digging this quote up)

Category: Musings | LEAVE A COMMENT