8 July 2013

Sunday night…

Our usual date night place. Somebody is getting married here. Sharmila and I took a guess at the bride’s age. Then we got the bar singer Brandon to befriend the bride’s brother and find out the answer.
Let’s just say, we stand a good chance of getting kicked out of this place by the wedding party πŸ™‚

22 June 2013

Thank you … In an extreme form…

Got a call from the elder daughter from Duke University (summer camp) – and over all the din of her roommates in her dorm room, I understood they wanted me to see if I could rig up her laptop to watch a movie that she had purchased on her iPad which she left in Atlanta. (Sigh! You can take the Indian out of the call center; but you cannot take the call center out of the Indian :-). In any case, two minutes and half a dozen happy customers later πŸ™‚ got this text message thanking me in that inimitable teenager way πŸ™‚


2 June 2013

Unveiled new website for Sharmila’s Art Gallery!!

This has been a pet project of mine for over four months. I wanted to completely overhaul Sharmila’s Art Gallery website. A lot of research and imagination later, I finally managed to finish it up today. I am sure there will be a lot of touchups coming over the next few weeks….

If you want to check out how it looks, go to http://www.sharmilaghose.com

If you want to buy her paintings or criticize them (like I always do πŸ™‚ ), contact her directly. I am only the technology guy πŸ™‚

23 April 2013

Married to running :-)

Funny incident at the gym today: Sharmila and I had decided to meet up after our morning exercises at the LA Fitness on Holcombe Bridge. The idea was to hand her over my gym bag after shower so it would not have to sit at the airport parking lot for three days in the car. (I was flying out this morning).
After a beautiful run by the Chattahoochee river (brought back memories of the runs by the Potomac), I ran back to the gym, took a shower and sat at the juice / coffee bar inside the gym since I was a few minutes early.
There was a cute lady at the bar who I was chatting up as she made my drink. Most of the time I was trying to convince her that just because I pay LA Fitness 35 bucks a month to take a shower four times a week in any gym, does not mean I have lost my marbles. I do not think I was waging a winning battle.
Eventually Sharmila showed up and the lady, obviously recognizing her, asked if she would have her usual drink. (This is my first time at that gym but Sharmila uses it a couple of days a week). And then when Sharmila started talking to me, the lady was shocked. I guess, in her mind, she would not associate people like Sharmila with people who pay to take a shower πŸ™‚
She looked at both of us and exclaimed to Sharmila – “You look so young and beautiful”! – once again proving the age old adage that the best way to look young (or thin) is to be seen with a old person (or fat) πŸ™‚ As my good friend Matt Semrad had mentioned, it is always about comparative excellence πŸ™‚
Not sure what Sharmila’s facial expression was to that comment – but the lady had some doubts. She gingerly asked – “You guys are married, right”? You could see that it was getting really awkward for her and she was trying to ease it up. But before I could say anything to increase her awkwardness, Sharmila burst the bubble by saying “Yes”. I was going to say something like “She wishes” and see how the lady would react πŸ™‚
Down, but not out, I also said “Yes”… but put in a rejoinder – “but not to each other”. You should have seen the look on her face as she was trying to figure out whether she was in the middle of a very dicey situation or a very funny one πŸ™‚
After a few seconds, Sharmila let her off the hook. “He is kidding”, she said.
We had a hearty laugh.