5 October 2023

This dog gets a lot of attention in the bars

After leading us to Truck and Tap, he promptly jumped on the window sill and settled down. While I went in to grab three drinks – the bar folks always add a glass of water for him. Some of the regulars like Braxton even walked up from their seats to chat with him.

We are now being referred to “That dog’s parents!”

In his other favorite bar, Chiringa – he is shown a little more respect and addressed by his full name!

9 September 2023

Give me a break

Every walk to downtown entails at least 20 stops for him to sniff around and put in his marker. And that is just one way count. The one time we stop to take a picture on our way back from the Farmers’ Market, he gives us this impatient “What’s holding you up?” look!