7 October 2015

Another DC trail run

Woke up at nearly 4 AM to catch a very early morning flight to DC. By the time I landed, frankly, I was yet to wake up 🙂 It definitely did not help think thru a gnarly business related challenge I was trying to figure out how to navigate. Fortunately, there was time between landing and the first meeting. Changed clothes at the airport and put in a quick 5K at Rock Creek Trail before taking a shower and showing up for the meeting. I was not only awakened, I also knew what to do with the business problem I was dealing with. 
It is amazing how focused your mind becomes once you hit a lonely trail where you are ever aware of a root in the ground that can trip you up or a darting squirrel that can frighten the bejeezus out of you…

30 August 2015

Speed runs

After the hill runs, tried to push the leg muscles to take some pounding of speed runs. After a couple of miles of warm up, posted three 100 m dashes at 17 seconds, 16 seconds and 16 seconds each. That is about the time most pro runners would take if they also took a bio break in the middle of the dash 🙂 But for me that was a tough feat.

Then joined the Chalupa crowd for a quick 5K run in 25 minutes.

As always, it is great to see all the Chalupa folks – and especially the kids come out on a Sunday morning for some healthy exercises instead of sleeping in. The kids had a lot of fun after the run in their make shift camp at the back of a car 🙂


23 August 2015

Do I look wet?

0 miles: Showed up at 6 am to put in a long run. Did not realize how dark it would be. Reluctantly ran in the park where the street lights were there. I say reluctantly because the roads were hilly and I was worried it would cut down on my miles.

7 miles: Enough of daylight. Took a break. Grabbed some water and headed towards the trail. And that’s when I realized that the trail was flooded (see picture). Which meant I had no option but to run in the gentle hills for the rest of the run. And some of those hills were not as gentle as they claimed.

12 miles: Took another break just as the Sunday running group Chalupa was finishing. A group picture later, headed back to the hills with a refill of water. And that is when I realized I could have as easily left the water behind. It became very dark very quickly and started raining incessantly.

15 miles: The roads were overflowing with water. I was absolutely soaking. But the rains had given me a second wind. I was splashing my way up and down the hills. All the cars filled with soccer players returning from the field after their game got interrupted must have thought I was crazy or something. Then the worst thing started happening – the lightnings came. It got too dangerous. Saw another runner on the roads. Pulled up to him and we chatted and decided to take some shelter. I was actually willing to keep going if he wanted to run together. Did I mention he was at least 7-8 inches taller than me? I thought I would be safe against any lightning 🙂 I think he saw through my ploy 🙂

Ten minutes later, his wife showed up to pick him up. So, I was let all by myself. It was still raining hard but not much of lightning or thunder. Decided to hit the hills again.

20 miles: I was done. Totally wet, extremely chafed by the heavy and wet clothes, I opened my shoes and socks and just laid down in the rain for some time and enjoyed every bit of it… That run took 3 hours and 38 minutes today.


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15 August 2015

Running is not always about losing calories. Sometimes it is about making friends.

The plan was to put in a 11 mile run in the morning to bring up this week’s total to 25 as I continue to recover from the 22 mile run last Saturday. I was aware that the left leg was still stiff and had planned to stop often enough to stretch and loosen up the calf and the hamstring. Sure enough, right around the time I was getting ready to hear the beep from my Garmin signaling first mile being over, I felt the left leg stiffening up.

Fortunately, there was a bench around. So, I put my leg up as high as I could and kept stretching till I could not take it any more. Then I relaxed and just as I was going to straighten up, I heard an unfamiliar voice call out “Hello Rajib”. I looked up and saw two ladies approaching me. I had passed them on the trail a few minutes back but I was not sure who they were. I, of course, came out with a full throated “Hello! Hello! How are you?” to the lady (she was the Indian of the two) who was talking to me. Meanwhile, in my mind, I was going “Oh! Dang! One more time I have no idea what her name is. I am going to be in a pickle soon!”

She recognized my confusion and introduced herself “I am Sreerupa and this is my friend Allison”. You would think that would have straightened out the whole situation. And it would have, provided I could recollect where I had met Sreerupa before. At the risk of completely upsetting her, I confessed “I am getting old. You have to remind me where we have met before. I really apologize”. “Oh! We have never met before”, she said to me and then turned to her friend and said “He is the guy whose blog we read everyday”.

At this point, confusion was reigning supreme in my mind. We have not met each other – but she picked me out without any mistake in a trail. She reads my blogs. Am I in trouble? Quickly I tried to recollect all the idiotic blogs I have written. The list was too long to zero in on.

We did finally sort out the whole thing. She is the wife of Sanjib – somebody who I had met long time back in the work context and also has run with me once. If my memory (for once) serves me right, her husband and my wife went to the same engineering college. I did have a great time with both the ladies and I certainly hope to run into them in the trail again!

That was just the beginning. Around the third mile marker, ran into a bicyclist Chandresh (relax! that was not literal) with whom I had worked in my previous job. Got to make another friend – Roy from England – who was biking with Chandresh.

Sure enough, Lia was there on the trail. I stopped for a minute to let her know that I am planning to visit her mom (who is in her nineties and I have heard great stories about her) and take her out for lunch or dinner during my next visit to Oregon. I also made friends with Kristin (spelling?) who was running with Lia.

Just as Lia was taking leave, another Sunday runner from our group Malobika whizzed past us. I caught up with her and asked her if I could join her. We ran a mile and a half together. And ran into yet another friend – Thomas Trotter – as we ran.

Finally I ran out of friends and just finished up the rest of the miles by myself. It was an average of 9:45 min/mile with peaks at 7:30 min/mile. But then again, who is counting the calories or pace? It is all about creating “intersection points”…

As I had written almost two years back… “in runs, as in life, we start from different points and end at different points. The line between those points – or the speed at which we traverse the line – does not define us. What defines us are the intersection points with others’ lines. For, it is in those intersection points that life offers us the opportunities to acknowledge each other’s journey, celebrate each other’s presence and make a difference to each other’s arc of the lines. And that journey is what it is all about.

That is why we live. That is why we run.”