I bet you have never seen this before
I had been motorbiking continuously for over 70 miles. These were backroads – which means I had been on the road for an hour and a half. Needed to take a break. Further, I was very hungry due to my unplanned running routine in the morning.
Finally, pulled over at a Tavern. Looked in my motorcycle bag – I always carry enough work in case I get stuck somewhere. Usually it is the iPad to catch up on reading. Today, I had my letter writing pad also.
After making friends with the manager at the Tavern, I found myself a spot in a corner table in the bar. Over a glass of wine and some unhealthy food, penned off two letters to a couple of my penfriends.
I am fairly sure, it is not very common for tavern customers to wield their fountain pens and writing pads and start scribing letters!!