28 June 2015

Run by Lake Michigan

Could not resist the beauty of the lake. As Natasha started unpacking her luggage and setting her dorm room up, I went back to the car, quickly changed and went for a run by the lake. After the run, came back to check on Tasha who had already set her room up neatly. With nothing much to add, I bid her goodbye hoping to put in another run when I come to pick her up…


Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
21 June 2015

Chalupa run

Summer is here!! We have youngsters and not so youngsters joining us for our run. The youngsters found a convenient place to take rest as the adults were finishing up their runs!!


Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT
20 June 2015


The idea was to put in a heat run to build endurance. So, at 2
PM, as the thermometer crossed 90 degrees, I hit the trail for a 10K run. Was working up a good sweat when suddenly out of nowhere came these bunch of clouds followed by some sharp showers. All that was left was a thoroughly drenched iPhone and self and near 100 percent humidity!!!


Category: Running | LEAVE A COMMENT