21 January
Puzzle: 16 coins
I found this puzzle today. I have not tried it myself. But I think you will know when you get the right answer. Further, unlike other times, I am writing this to you on my way out of Atlanta as I commence my business trip, not on my return trip. Which means, I may not be able to check answers till the end of day or in flights…
Do send personal messages only and not comments.
Arrange 16 coins in a simple square of 4 coins by 4 coins. Now, remove 6 coins in a way that every row and every column still has even number of coins left.
Milind, Balaji, Ramesh, Matt, Pradeep, Madhu and Marangatty Karthikeyan got the right answer. Actually there are multiple right answer . Here is one example…
X . . X
. . X X
. X . X
I thought I did too
And for the record, I have to eat some crow. I fact the first right answer came from Antara!!!