22 May 2014

GM recalls – brought to you by Roy-ters

USA Today reported “GM recalls another 2.4M vehicles for belts, bags, etc”.

You know you are in deep doo-doo when you have to recall your cars for “etc” đŸ™‚

You know, this year alone, GM has recalled its cars for the 29th time (per USA Today). At this rate, instead of naming different car parts every time and then resorting to “etc”, would it not be easier just to say “GM recalls cars due to cars”? đŸ™‚

18 May 2014

From the bartender’s corner – Chilcano

This one is dedicated to you Jim Giannakakis!! Most favorite summer drink in Peru, there is a whole week in Jan (summer in Peru) that is celebrated as Chilcano week!

Ingredients include Pisco, ginger ale, fresh lime juice, optional simple syrup, angostura bitters and a lime wedge garnishing.

Very refreshing!!
