8 June 2024

Not sure what is going on with my runs

This morning went for my usual 5K run. The first mile was the normal 11:15 pace. Look what happened after that. The last mile was faster than my race pace last week! Another sub-30 5K.

Not sure what is going on with this sudden fast pace running (by my standards of course). Is it that the race last week after 7 years kind of gave me a sudden jolt? Or is it the excitement of the new trail? The cool temperatures? (it was 59 degree today). My slower speed was going downhill! the faster ones came on the uphills!

More importantly, why is not my body hurting at the end of it?

Was my mind playing games with me all this time and convincing me falsely that my body is getting too old for running?

Posted June 8, 2024 by Rajib Roy in category "Running

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