19 May 2024

Me and my furrowed eyebrows

I just realized that they are just hideous (like my wife has always pointed out). (Bright lights make me furrow my eyes… ever since I was a kid, I squint my eyes in bright light – especially the left one that is severely myopic)

But let that not take your attention away from how much I enjoyed the boat ride!! I saw some beautiful sights. I made friends with the young lady who served us coffee and wanted to know why we call it Black Coffee in America when all coffee is black (there is a history, believe it or not) and got to know an elderly couple who lives in Lewisville – literally a spitting distance away (well Texas size spitting) from where Natasha and Nikita were born and grew up in their very early years!!!

Posted May 19, 2024 by Rajib Roy in category "Vacations

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