22 April 2023

An old intersection point

So, there I was. Sitting in a corner of the coffee shop with my cappuccino and getting a few weekly chores cleared out from my laptop when I thought I heard a lady call out my name. It was an unlikely place to meet somebody I knew. I have been going there for three years and it has never happened to me.

I took my eyes off the screen and looked up. And sure enough – it was my old friend Marianne Petty standing there. She was there with her family picking up some coffee. I did not realize that she lived very close to that place.

I got to know her back in 2007 or so when I started a new job. She was in HR and had started a couple of years earlier than me. What is funny is that while talking to Ben (her husband), I found out that he had a long career in the same company too. Not only did I not know that, he actually remembers being in the same room as I during a meeting!! I really need to pay more attention to people around me.

I got help from her daughters for the selfie. (I just can’t do that thing well)

It was such a great chance to meet this wonderful family. I saw Marianne herself after a decade!

Posted April 22, 2023 by Rajib Roy in category "Intersection Points

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