Even if you do not come here for the food and drinks… come here to meet the people
Chiringa has been our “go to” place for a few years. It is not the food or the drinks (although they have their bright spots)… you come here for the people and how they treat you. Every single person here – (Charlotte, Susan,Emily, Emory, Kylie, Logan, Rebekah… ) will make you feel like family. But the best of them all is Lauren – the manager and uber-all here. The way she treats her employees and customers is a lesson many retailers can learn from. I know. I have watched her for the better part of four years now.
Today was a great example of that.
After a long day of hospice service, motorbike ride, boat ride, I finally settled down with Jay Jay in Chiringa for a drink and some food. (it is a six minute walk for me). Jay Jay met Jocelyn.
Jocelyn is the young daughter of the couple who cleans up the place. I have met them before. Jocelyn has quickly become a big fan of Jay Jay.
Speaking of Jocelyn, I saw Lauren sitting with her and doing something. I took
a picture. Apologize for the completely out of focus picture. Not sure what happened.
“What are you guys doing?” I enquired.
Turns out Lauren – (get this – the manager) – helps Jocelyn (the daughter of the cleaner) with her homework and actually gives her more homework!!
That is incredible!
Lauren is one of the most hard working person I know. She is on her laptop trying to keep the business going every time i see her. On top of that, she does this??
Can’t think of a better person. Can’t think of a better place.
“So, you are doing homework with her?”
“Oh yes! Jocelyn is very smart. I know her from her birth”.
You see that blurry guy in the blurry picture? That is Jocelyn’s dad. He came forward to show me the picture of Lauren holding Jocelyn when she was born,
I was stunned!!
How many retail business managers do you know who would visit the hospital to ring in the baby of the cleaner in the restaurant?
You know – I don’t care about the menu anymore. I just want to be here. And if this world has any sense of fairness, I want these kind of human beings to succeed in life.