16 June 2022

My family tree!

Took Nikita and Sharmila to the relative I have always been closest to and admired the most – my “mama” (mom’s brother). My earliest recollections of him is a guy who would visit us and then go upside down on his head. At the age of six, of course, I had no idea what “yoga” was all about.

I took Nikita around his garden showing her the various trees – a guava tree here, a sugarcane clump there, a lime tree here, a gourd tree there and so on. Nikita marveled at all the guavas in the guava tree. I believe she tried a guava for the first time during this trip.

Before I could cry “Uncle”, my uncle had made short shrift of climbing up the tree. In a jiffy he was up there, picking up some ripe guavas for Nikita. And we were like… “Wait, how did you get there?”

This – for a 75 year old. Who beat back cancer before he could turn 50 and then proceeded to lose one kidney later, I believe.

If there is one thing that defines this gentleman, it is self discipline. Over the years, I have never seen him ever overeat, oversleep or miss his daily exercises. Amongst all my relatives, I also consider him the most rational thinker and seldom talks negatively about others.

I am so blessed that I count him in my family tree!

Posted June 16, 2022 by Rajib Roy in category "Vacations


  1. By Tirtha Tanay Mandal on

    In Hindi, guava is called Jaam. Very confusing for a probashi bangali living in the Hindi heartlands of India.

    1. By Tirtha Tanay Mandal on

      Yeah amrood was what I knew till last few years. But recently after marrying a probashi bangali and working in northern part of India , I came across these confusing terms.

      Peyara – Jaam
      Panifal – Singara


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