24 April 2022

Shoe brand transitions are never easy for me

Other than the first Brooks running shoe I had started my running career with, the brand I have consistently stuck to – for most of the last 17 years of running – is Asics. There was one time around 2014 when I had switched to “barefoot” running and used Merrel shoes. That was a disaster. My calf muscles were not built for that. After a lot of injuries, went back to Asics. Recovered in time enough to do the marathon run in Greece with Asics in 2015.

Recently, I had a lot of runner friends singing paeans of the “ON” friend. They are twice the price of the shoes I normally buy. After dilly dallying for about 6 months, I finally decided to give it a try and went out today in my first pair of ON shoes. At around 2 miles, felt a pull in the right calf muscle that quickly deteriorated to the point I could not run any more. Sat by the side of the road and started massaging the area.

That did not help much. Soon, I started wondering if I would be even able to walk back home or would have to call for help. After some thought, decided to walk slowly for some time and see if the pain would subside. Upon dragging myself for about half a mile, I thought I was getting used to the pain. Started running slowly again. It was not a natural run. I could feel the body was trying to avoid putting too much pressure on the right step and was thus swiveling on the left hip.

After a mile of slow run, I could still feel the pain but by then it was bearable. Picked up speed and completed 4 miles. Then just to see if I could push a little further (I can be stupid that way), went for another couple of miles. The leg is hurting fairly bad but I am feeling much better. And that is the important thing đŸ™‚ đŸ™‚

Shoe brand transitions are never easy for me.

Posted April 24, 2022 by Rajib Roy in category "Running

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