The Covid bubble again
I was mentioning in yesterday’s post about the three couples that wasa our Covid bubble and how we missed them a couple of evenings back at our regular Covid tryst. Well, we did get together the next day – this time at Mazzy’s.
As I was mentioning in another post before that – we somehow got started again on whose body parts were hurting and what the doctors were saying and all that. Eventually, we realized that we were doing old people talk.
So, switched to more young people stuff… well, I am not sure how to explain the topic of discussion in this august forum. Why don’t you ask Shrabani, Sharmila, Parijat, Avijit or Dipanjan what was the topic they were discussing about. (Please note, I said “they” 🙂 ). and while at it, enquire Parijat about Moxy in Tokyo!!