13 November 2021

Revenge is best served at sub-10 pace

Somewhat humiliated and frustrated by the fall, decided to go for another 4 miler today and try to see if I could run at a pace that I was comfortable with when I was five years younger. Today, my comfortable pace is more like 11 min/mile. Checked my running records from when I was 50 and it seemed like most of my runs were at 10 min/mile.

I cannot say how much my body is going to hurt later today, but I did match (and beat) my pace from the five years younger Rajib. After the warm up first mile, each subsequent mile came at around 9 min 30 seconds.

Coming to think of it, I really do not care now how much my body might hurt today. Somethings are done just to prove the point that you are too obstinate to accept the obvious!

Posted November 13, 2021 by Rajib Roy in category "Running

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