15 June 2021

Daddy – daughter DIY project

I have been wanting to get myself a nice personalized notepad to write letters on. The problem is finding a company that will do it for you on fountain pen safe paper. The ones that say they can will charge over $2 per page!

So, Nikita and I did a DIY project. For the first time in my life, we made a personalized, fountain pen safe notepad. After reading up quite a few fountain pen users’ forums, I realized that HP Premium 32 would be the best option for me. To personalize it, I tried Word – but the margins were messy. Finally, Powerpoint turned out to be the best solution.

Niki and I learnt the art of making a notepad from printed paper, back cardboard and binding glue from a few Youtube videos. And a few adaptations here and there – voila! We have a perfect notepad. It cost me less than 6 cents per page!!

Posted June 15, 2021 by Rajib Roy in category "Fountain Pens


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