8 June 2021

Little did I know then

Reading my old blogs, I realized this morning that exactly ten years back, in 2011, on this day, I had written the following… (This was in Durgapur – even before they had moved to Kalyani)

“Well, that was my week with my parents. My best time each day was waking up at 4:30 to sit with my parents for a couple of hours in our garden. Drinking tea, watching the daybreak, enjoying the flowers, occasional question and answer but mostly quiet – just enjoying each other’s company. No doubt we were all wondering how many more such days we will have. The loudest conversations, indeed, were the silent ones.”

And today too, as on those days, my loudest conversations with them are the silent ones…

Posted June 8, 2021 by Rajib Roy in category "My Family

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