5 April 2021

Dismantling a system

I had to devise a system to travel light during my trips to India every quarter. I did not want to check in luggage (all those flight delays and lost baggage caused too many headaches) and I did not want to lug around too much weight on my shoulders either.

So, I basically kept a whole set of stuff in India. I had shirts, shorts, jeans, night clothes, shoes, socks, running clothes, running shoes, chappals, hats, winter clothes, chargers, adapters, tripod and what have you – all neatly packed in a big bag. After every trip, my mom would get the clothes washed and ironed and keep them safe in the almirah for my next trip.

The night before I showed up, she would bring it out, get somebody to go buy toilet paper, bottles of water and a Pears glycerine soap. I have no idea why but she always got Pears glycerine soap for me.

This time, the realization dawned on me that the life span of that bag full of stuff has come to an end. I am not coming back to this house any more. And certainly, I am not coming back often enough to India to justify keeping a whole set of stuff here.

Had to dismantle the whole system. Gave away the clothes mostly to my brother, brother in law and my nephews. Threw away most of electronics stuff.

Another reminder of a chapter closing…

Posted April 5, 2021 by Rajib Roy in category "Vacations

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